Watch Now: DECA's 2024-2025 Membership Video

Aug 13, 2024

Be The One

When you join DECA, you're not just another member; you're part of a global network of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs who are shaping the future. Put your unique talents on display as you chart your own course. Check out DECA's 2024-2025 membership video to help your chapter show students why joining DECA empowers members to Be The One who makes a difference in the world.

Visit DECA's Brand Resource Center to download the full video and square and vertical versions that are perfect to share on your chapter's social media channels.


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Discussion Questions

  • 1
    What do you think sets DECA apart from other organizations?
  • 2
    How could being involved in DECA impact your personal or professional life?
  • 3
    Why do you think it is important to have students in the membership campaign video?
  • 4
    What are your goals for participating in DECA this year?

Classroom Connection

Career CLuster:


Instructional Area(s):


Performance Indicators:

Set personal goals
Utilize resources that can contribute to professional development
Describe factors used by businesses to position corporate brands
Discuss the role of customer voice in word-of-mouth strategies