Trends come and go, but some brands are strong enough to stand the test of time. We surveyed 300 DECA members across the globe, asking them to name their favorite brands. From snack foods to streaming services, clothing to technology – Battle of the Brands aimed to find out where your allegiances lie.
Every successful brand must first get to know their customer base. Marketing executives and CEOs are dying to learn more about one particular segment of their customer base: YOU. Most CMOs and CEOs likely never thought they would be looking to teenagers for advice on their brand or how to create a relevant, dynamic and lasting relationship with their brand. But, if that is their audience, then they need to understand how their brains work. Once companies are able to understand how their brains work, then they can begin general marketing and branding practices.
So beyond the numbers, we asked why. Why do some brands reign supreme among the DECA demographic?
When it comes to clothing – trends matter to some, but comfort and brand trust are more important.
“I’ve always liked Nike. Even though I thought their last Just Do It campaign was not the smartest it will not stop me from getting Nike. They release the most comfortable clothing.” -Jonathan (Kent Roosevelt DECA)
“American Eagle’s clothing is both trendy and comfortable which is why it’s my favorite!” -Addison (Portland HS DECA)
Similar trends can be seen where food is concerned. DECA members noted that they are willing to spend a little more for a company that focuses on their customers and has strong values.
“[Chick-fil-A’s] service and food are unmatched. Everybody is so nice there and their food is high quality, fairly healthy and cheap, and very tasty.” -Mattie (Waverly-Shell Rock)
“I love Starbucks so much because they are based out of my home state of Washington. In addition they have a very ethical business practice and are never short with great customer service. The daily coffee fix is pretty great as well!” -Andre (John R. Rogers DECA)
Social Media
It’s no secret that social media is a big part of life for high school and college students. When asked about preferred platforms, though, ease of use was a big factor for many DECA members. The other major consideration? Once again, trust.
“Instagram allows connectivity like no other, through the use of visual aids and captions users are able to create art or help spread awareness of a cause. The explore page enables people to view posts they might be interested in and discover and network with other individuals.” -Amber (Perry High School DECA)
“Snapchat allows users to be as public or as private as they want, giving people options to post where all of their friends can see it or to simply send a selfie to their bestie.” -Addison (Portland High School DECA)
“I deleted twitter and Snapchat because I needed to waste less time, Instagram is great. Facebook can be dangerous with all the political ad drama and uncertainty with privacy settings.” -Blake (Southeast Missouri State University)