Contributed by Madelynn Jared | Missouri State University, MO
Preparing for competitive events as a new member comes with many emotions. Some are excited to compete and show off their skills in the DECA landscape, while others might feel nervous or worried about what they can expect during their first competition. Our chapter recognized the concerns of the unknown and the enthusiastic energy that new members face.
As a result, we sought to prepare our members by following these three simple steps:
1. Conference Information Meeting
A few weeks before the state and international competition, our chapter hosts a meeting covering all aspects of the competition and conference. Our goal in this meeting is to inform our members, spark their curiosity and engage their creativity. The key to our informational meetings is communication and transparency. Our members can hear about experiences from previous conferences, details of upcoming competitions and testimonials from officers and other members who have competed.
Results: These meetings have received very positive feedback from our members as they have allowed them to ask questions, learn about the different competitions DECA provides and become excited to compete. We have recognized that through these meetings, members anxious to compete initially feel relaxed and confident in their abilities to try their hand at competitive events.
2. Test Preparation Meeting
After our information meeting, the next step is to host a test preparation meeting. By this point, most of our members have expressed which competitive event(s) they are competing in. Utilizing this knowledge, we then print sample tests for our members dependent on their event career cluster and then set a specified time for them to complete them. These sample tests are not full-scale but contain roughly 30 questions so our members can understand what to expect on their exams. Additionally, this allows time at the end of our meeting to review correct answers, discuss any tough questions among career cluster groups and address any other questions regarding testing.
Results: Members previously stated that the testing portion of their competitive event was where they felt the most nervous. However, after being introduced to the nature of the career cluster tests in a supportive, relaxed environment, members felt less test anxiety and more renewed in their career cluster knowledge.
3. Case Study Preparation Meeting
Lastly, once the informational and test preparation meetings have been conducted, we host a case study preparation meeting. Here, our officers print sample case studies for our members to complete. We supply each member with a case study based on their selected competitive events and whether they compete individually or as a team. We then set a time limit, typically 15 minutes, to allow our members to review the case study and develop a brief presentation of their findings and solutions.
Our officers act as judges and will go around to each group, listening to their presentation. Then, they will follow up with a few sample questions to mimic real competitive events. At the end of the meeting, our officers provide tips and tricks to help improve competitive event performance and answer any questions our members have after completing the challenge themselves.
Results: We have noticed increased excitement in our members after hosting case study preparation meetings. Members have expressed how much fun they had coming up with solutions and utilizing their knowledge and skill sets. Many also liked the added challenge of answering questions provided by our officers. By this point, any worry amongst competing members has been alleviated, and they look forward to the competitions ahead.
In summary, hosting these three types of meetings is a great way to better involve your members. While these meetings allow for growing confidence among members, they also allow for team bonding. Members become more engaged in meetings, membership and the overall collective nature of the group.
The overwhelming result of all three of these meetings is a very supportive system within our chapter, which is full of members ready to help and uplift their peers in their competitive events and beyond. Preparing your members gives way to having a successful conference, chapter and community.