Case Study of the Week: Creating Incentives for Use of Reusable Cups

Dec 26, 2022

Quick Serve Restaurant

You are to assume the role of the promotional director for Morning Brew, the largest coffee shop chain in the nation. The director of corporate responsibility wants you to design a promotion that will increase the use of reusable cups from 2% to 5% in the next year.

Morning Brew consistently works on sustainability. Many years ago, the chain began offering all customers a ten-cent discount if they brought in their own reusable cups, rather than using a new Morning Brew paper cup. While executives have no plans on ending that promotion, the number of customers participating in the promotion has stalled at only 2% of total daily sales.

The director of corporate responsibility wants the number of customers using reusable cups to increase to 5% of daily sales by the end of the next fiscal year. The director of corporate responsibility wants you to create a promotion that will result in that increase. The director wants the discount to remain at ten cents but is willing to offer other incentives or rewards in addition to the discount to reach the 5% goal.


Randi Bibiano
Competitive Events Specialist

Randi Bibiano is DECA's competitive events specialist. In this role, she conceptualizes and authors role-play scenarios for the collegiate and high school division’s competitive events programs. She also manages DECA's online competitive events and serves as a liaison to volunteer efforts at DECA's educational conferences.

Discussion Questions

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Classroom Connection

Career CLuster:

Hospitality and Tourism

Instructional Area(s):


Performance Indicators:

Explain the role of promotion as a marketing function
Explain promotional methods used by the hospitality and tourism industry
Explain the relationship between promotion and brand
Explain the use of marketing strategies in hospitality and tourism