You are to assume the role of the director of customer experience for Royal Airways, a low-cost airline. The chief marketing officer wants you to create a customer amenity kit for both domestic and international flights that will elevate the customer experience.
Royal Airways operates over 1,000 flights daily and serves 100 domestic and international network destinations in the Americas and Europe. Travelers love the low-cost of Royal Airways and that the airline offers two free checked bags, complimentary snacks, beverages and entertainment screens with television and movie options.
Unfortunately, the airline has been plagued with many delays. Not only are scheduled flights not leaving the gate on time, but there have also been instances of aircraft needing to return to the gate for maintenance issues. Numerous complaints on social media have resulted in Royal Airways trending for negative reasons.
Royal Airways has completed maintenance and additional checks on all aircraft and feels confident that delays caused by the airline, and not weather, will now be avoided. In an attempted to provide a positive customer experience, the chief marketing officer wants the airline to begin providing amenity kits to all passengers on all flights. The amenity kits would contain items that passengers could use on flight or off that would fulfill needs, evoke joy and provide a positive customer experience.
The chief marketing officer wants you to create the amenity kits that will be available on all Royal Airways flights. The chief marketing officer is looking for ideas on specific products that could be included and how the kits will be branded. The chief marketing officer wants one amenity kit for domestic flights and a second for international flights.