Case Study of the Week: Successful Channels for Size Inclusion

Sep 11, 2023

Apparel and Accessories Marketing

You are to assume the role of the merchandising manager for Hot Shot, an apparel chain that targets Gen Z and young Millennial females. The vice president wants you to choose a distribution plan for a new product line.

Hot Shot features fashion targeted to the female, 16–25-year-old demographic. The clothing sold at the 300 Hot Shot stores and online are casual, fun and trendy. Hot Shot’s merchandise is traditionally sized, starting at size 0 with size 14 being the largest size.

Executives at Hot Shot have decided to expand the product mix to include plus-sized apparel. Executives have decided to add sizes 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 to the mix to attract new clientele. The vice president is excited for this opportunity to include more of the population but is unsure if the new plus-sized merchandise will be successful.

The vice president wants you to determine if the new plus-sized Hot Shot merchandise should be introduced online only, at all 300 Hot Shot store locations, debut at a limited number of Hot Shot locations or an alternative. The vice president wants you to explain the distribution plan you have selected and its benefit over the other choices.


Randi Bibiano
Competitive Events Specialist

Randi Bibiano is DECA's competitive events specialist. In this role, she conceptualizes and authors role-play scenarios for the collegiate and high school division’s competitive events programs. She also manages DECA's online competitive events and serves as a liaison to volunteer efforts at DECA's educational conferences.

Discussion Questions

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Classroom Connection

Career CLuster:


Instructional Area(s):


Performance Indicators:

Explain the nature and scope of distribution
Explain the relationship between customer service and distribution
Explain distribution issues and trends
Explain the concept of product mix