Case Study of the Week: Turning a Hobby into a Business

Dec 5, 2022


You are to assume the role of a small business consultant. You will meet with an entrepreneur to discuss the initial steps that must be completed or researched before the entrepreneur markets the new business.

The entrepreneur is venturing into a photography business in a city with 150,000 people. The entrepreneur owns all the photography equipment needed to take professional photographs and has a membership to an online professional printing company that will print photographic prints and other products with images.

Even though there are several other professional photographers in the community, the entrepreneur feels there are enough weddings, parties, youth sports teams and families to attract customers. The entrepreneur has $5,000 in the bank and has secured a family member to volunteer services as an assistant until the photography business is profitable to hire staff. The name of the new business is Perfect Print.

While the entrepreneur feels confident in taking professional photographs, the entrepreneur is unsure how to begin the process of having Perfect Print become an actual business. The entrepreneur will meet with you to discuss the initial steps that must be completed or researched before Perfect Print can begin operations. The entrepreneur wants to understand what is required to make Perfect Print a legal business, how to find customers, market the business, and build the brand. The entrepreneur is willing to spend half of the $5,000, if needed, in start-up recommendations.


Randi Bibiano
Competitive Events Specialist

Randi Bibiano is DECA's competitive events specialist. In this role, she conceptualizes and authors role-play scenarios for the collegiate and high school division’s competitive events programs. She also manages DECA's online competitive events and serves as a liaison to volunteer efforts at DECA's educational conferences.

Discussion Questions

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Classroom Connection

Career CLuster:


Instructional Area(s):


Performance Indicators:

Describe entrepreneurial planning considerations
Assess start-up requirements
Explain tools used by entrepreneurs for venture planning
Explain the nature of businesses’ reporting requirements