Choosing Your Competitive Event

Aug 9, 2024

Contributed by Tiffany L | South County DECA, VA

Deciding which DECA event to compete in can be challenging, especially with all the options. Whether you’re drawn to role-plays or written events, selecting the right event is crucial for your success and enjoyment. Here’s a guide to help you choose the DECA event that's right for you:

1. Assess Your Interests

Start by identifying what you want to learn about. Do you enjoy marketing, finance, hospitality or entrepreneurship? DECA offers many events, so make sure to choose one that aligns with your interests.

2. Evaluate Your Skills

Consider your strengths. Are you a confident speaker, a creative thinker or an analytical problem solver? Different events require different skills. For instance, role-play events like Marketing Communications or Financial Consulting require strong presentation skills. In contrast, written events like Business Growth Plan or International Business Plan demand thorough research and detailed reporting.

3. Understand the Event Types

DECA events generally fall into three categories: role-plays, written projects and team decision-making. Role-plays involve on-the-spot problem-solving and presentations that require quick thinking, while written projects require in-depth research and report writing. Team decision-making events combine elements of both and emphasize collaboration. See which works best for you!

4. Research Past Winners

Look at examples of past winners in different events. You can see what has worked before, and it helps you gauge what you want to work on. has examples of successful projects and presentations.

5. Seek Advice

Talk to your DECA advisor, mentors, and peers for advice. They can offer valuable perspectives based on their experiences and might suggest events you hadn’t considered. They can also provide feedback on your strengths and guide you towards events that suit you best. Ask the people around you; they are a resource, too!

6. Try Practice Scenarios

Participate in practice role-plays or write sample reports to get a feel for different events. This hands-on experience can help you determine which type of event you’re most comfortable with and excited about. Read the descriptions of the event and try them out!

7. Consider the Commitment

Some events require more preparation time than others. For example, written projects typically require a lot more research and drafting, whereas role-plays require less preparation but more practice in quick thinking and speaking.

Choosing the right DECA event is an important decision that should reflect your interests, skills and the time you can commit. By assessing your strengths, you can find the perfect match that will be fun for you and give you the highest chance of success. Good luck!


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