Discover More About Puerto Rico DECA

Aug 9, 2024

Contributed by Wilfred with Puerto Rico DECA.

Puerto Rico DECA is the local representation of the international organization DECA, which focuses on preparing students for college and careers through practical competencies and the development of leadership skills. Puerto Rico DECA wants to be known outside the country for several reasons:

1. Demonstration of Talent and Competence

Participating in DECA events allows Puerto Rican students to demonstrate their talent and skills in challenging competitions that simulate real business situations. This helps highlight the capacity and potential of Puerto Rico's young professionals internationally.

2. Cultural Exchange and Learning

DECA is not only about competing but also about interacting with students from other countries, which encourages cultural exchange and mutual learning. This strengthens ties between Puerto Rico and other global communities, promoting intercultural understanding and respect.

3. Networking and Professional Opportunities

Participating in DECA opens doors to international professional networks. Puerto Rican students have the opportunity to connect with business leaders, educators and other ambitious young people from around the world, which can lead to long-term employment, collaboration and professional development opportunities.

4. Promotion of Education and Youth Development

Being part of DECA, Puerto Rico demonstrates its commitment to comprehensive education and developing critical skills for professional success. This is crucial to building a competitive workforce prepared for the global market’s challenges.

In short, Puerto Rico DECA wants to be recognized outside the country to showcase our talent, strengthen our international connections, encourage cultural exchange and promote professional and educational development among the island's youth.


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