"Be the One" isn’t just a theme; it’s a mindset. As DECA members, we have the power to lead, inspire and make an impact in our schools, communities and beyond. But what does it truly mean to "Be the One"?
This month, we asked DECA members to share their best tips on embracing this year’s theme during competition season.
Yvonne Shen | Idaho DECA
Focus on supporting your chapter. That can look like hosting career development workshops, supporting your chapter financially and staying involved with your community through volunteering. Also, get to know your new state officer team to help establish that association-to-chapter engagement early on!
Praveena Mahendran | Washington DECA
Your DECA journey doesn’t stop between competitions; use the time between CDC and ICDC to level up! Stay engaged by participating in chapter activities, attending local business events and sharpening your competitive edge with practice case studies and role-plays. The best competitors aren’t just preparing for the next event; they’re also working to grow constantly.
Devin Klock | Colorado DECA
Competition season doesn’t have to end at CDC. Use the time between state and ICDC to refine your role-play skills, strengthen your written projects and connect with other DECA members. Staying engaged keeps you sharp for ICDC and deepens your DECA experience.
Asher Leventhal | Nevada DECA
DECA doesn’t require downtime, even though the competitive aspect of DECA goes through it. During the waiting period between conferences, preparing for a strong finish to the year is crucial. Consider how you can prepare for ICDC. Engage in practice role-plays, enhance your written event and seek advice from your peers!
Sairah Chacko | Tennessee DECA
My biggest tip for competition is to speak with confidence! Include engaging elements within your presentation to reel your judge in, and don’t be afraid to include different concepts and terms to show off your knowledge.
Caiden Almeyda-Lavallier | Colorado DECA
Always remember that networking is key to being the one. It’s not what you know; it’s who you know. Before ICDC, engage with fellow members online and plan to meet with them in Orlando. One of my favorite parts of ICDC is always reuniting with my DECA besties from across the world.
Diya Jain | California DECA
To excel in competition, remember it’s not just what you know but how you convey it. Show your judge that you can apply concepts to real-world scenarios and use a variety of visuals and examples to stand out. Be creative, confident and have fun!
Patrick Lester | Arizona DECA
To me, “Be the One” means stepping up when it matters most, whether leading with purpose, supporting others or pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. It’s about taking initiative, making an impact and making a difference in someone’s journey.
As you continue to embark on your DECA journey this year, remember that “Be the One” is more than just a theme; it’s a challenge to push yourself, take initiative and strive for excellence. Whether it’s through leadership, competition or community impact, you have the power to make a difference. Let these stories inspire you to fully embrace the theme and take every opportunity to grow.