Announcing DECA's Lead4Change 2022 Challenge Winners

Mar 15, 2022

DECA and Lead4Change proudly announce the winners of the 2021-2022 Lead4Change DECA Challenge! The challenge is a component of the Lead4Change Student Leader Program. Members demonstrated their leadership skills by becoming involved in their communities and submitting a community service project.

Each of the top three winning teams will be recognized on stage during the International Career Development Conference in Atlanta, GA this April. The teams will also be awarded cash prizes.

Congratulations to the following DECA members:

1st Place

Harker DECA Officer Team | Harker Upper School, CA – $2,000

The Harker DECA Officer Team took on a project of advocacy and awareness for muscular dystrophy in their community. Chapter Advisor, Juston Glass, said, "The structured lesson plans supplied by Lead4Change provided insightful guidance for my students that I believe made them better leaders, communicators and professionals."

2nd Place

Baucom Jackson Team | Patrick Henry High School, VA – $1,500

Patrick Henry DECA members focused on collecting and providing health and wellness necessities to students in need. Chapter Advisor, Sarah Preston, said, "The most valuable leadership lesson learned by the students was the acronym TRUST — take into account, realize, understand, seek and take action. Using these tools, they were able to develop a successful team of individuals that wanted to contribute and take action."

3rd Place

Hygiene for Homeless Team | Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, FL – $1,000

Our Lady of Lourdes DECA members completed a project to collect hygiene items and funds for the homeless in their community. Chapter Advisor, Michelle Minoso, said, "The students on this team were organized and dedicated to their cause. They were independent and needed little direction from me due to their maturity and excellent leadership skills. I loved how the students raised the money they needed and delivered the items personally to the homeless in the community. They came back from the experience very fulfilled."

Thank you to Lead4Change for sponsoring the challenge!


Educational Programs

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

Discussion Questions

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Classroom Connection

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