Middle School Mania

Aug 1, 2024

We are officially in the back-to-school season. This means that most of us are starting to make our Program of Leadership and plans for this coming year. I am confident that most of us have at least one common goal: to get more members. Now, each school only has so many students that can become members before the market is saturated. That means we need to turn to a new market of young, to-be DECA members and lovers. These possible future members come from your local middle school. Here are three tips and tricks to recruit members from your local middle school.

1. Bring the Goods

One thing that I know for sure is that we all love swag. This is not any different for middle schoolers. Use this as an opportunity to bring your School-based Enterprise (SBE) to them. If possible, branded merchandise for THEIR school will be a hit. Not only will this boost your revenue, but it will also bring excitement and curiosity to the world of DECA. Be prepared for all the questions about DECA you will receive while on your trip.  

2. Yap Away

Middle schoolers may not be familiar with DECA's role and benefits. Clear and engaging communication is crucial. Utilize various channels, such as formal presentations during school assemblies or informal sessions during lunch breaks. An active social media presence is essential; leverage platforms like Instagram or TikTok, where your audiences are active. Share travel vlogs, fun classroom lessons and fun facts about DECA to keep them informed and intrigued. Be sure to be available for questions, comments or conversations.

3. Include Them

Include your local middle school in chapter projects. Allowing middle schoolers to act as volunteers and participants in a chapter project could be the one thing that piques the interest of a thirteen-year-old potential member. This hands-on involvement exposes them to DECA’s teamwork, problem-solving and leadership opportunities. Assign them roles where they can contribute meaningfully, such as team members, assistants or even project leaders under mentorship. This will surely set them up for success when it comes time to become an official member.

As we embark on another exciting back-to-school season, our focus turns to shaping the future of DECA through innovative leadership and growth. With a shared goal of expanding our membership, it's essential to tap into new opportunities among middle school students—the future enthusiasts of DECA.


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