The Importance of Professionalism

Nov 11, 2024

Contributed by Isaiah Keepes | Avila University, MO

When you think of professionalism, do you think of a person who wears a hoodie to an interview? Or even someone who shows up at an event hours after it starts? No, you don’t!

Professionalism is defined as practicing and exhibiting courteous, kind, business-like behavior in the workplace and your life. It is a skill that all collegiate DECA members, chapters and associations practice, but why? Why is professionalism so important in this world, and how do we make ourselves perceived as professional? What attributes are considered professional?

Read on to see what attributes it takes to have a successful career.

  1. Punctuality: Showing up on time and sticking to your commitments shows others that you are dependable and can be trustworthy.
  2. Communication: Communicating with others in a clear, concise, and respectful manner. This can foster great workplace relationships and promote collaborative work.
  3. Professional Appearance: Appearing as professional as possible at work and school is important to your reputation and personal brand. In doing this, you establish a lasting first impression, which allows you to differentiate yourself from others.
  4. Confidentiality: Having the ability to handle sensitive and personal information is vital to maintaining a person’s trustworthiness and credibility.
  5. Teamwork: Teamwork builds a sense of community and promotes collaboration; it allows room for everyone’s ideas, opinions, and expertise.
  6. Adaptability: The ability to “go with the flow” in an ever-changing environment is essential to personal growth; it allows you to be prepared in unexpected situations and gives you the skills to take action swiftly.
  7. Accountability: Being responsible for one's actions is important when performing tasks efficiently, improving workplace morale and project execution.
  8. Empathy: Empathy is a leader’s greatest skill; conducting all business with empathy allows you to resonate with others and understand them.
  9. Time Management: Time management is a crucial skill that allows you the time to complete tasks. Organizing your time wisely enhances your productivity and will enable you to identify and eliminate wasteful habits.

Why does professionalism matter? Professionalism can differentiate you from others in your industry and set you at a competitive advantage, which could lead to promotions and raises.

How you show up matters! Whether that’s how you are dressed, talk or your facial expressions, they all matter because YOU represent your organization and your school, so what you do and say are reflected in those organizations. BE THE ONE who shows up and shows out professionally.


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