Your Step-by-Step Guide to Signature Workshops

Jul 1, 2024

Welcome to your one-stop shop for creating your perfect signature workshop. Your signature workshop is ultimately about you and what you want to teach others, so be sure to keep that in mind when building it. Let’s get building!

Step 1: Pick Your Passion Area

You are going to have a really hard time developing a workshop that you are not passionate about. To make this step easier, consider why you joined DECA and build upon that. From advocacy to community service, there is a passion inside of you.

Step 2: Build In An Activity

I’m sure we have all gone through those boring workshops that consist of talking and talking only. Your participants want to get up and move, so build in an activity for them to do. Keep your participants engaged through a craft, game or icebreaker.

Step 3: Bring It All Together

Find a tie between your game and the lesson you are trying to teach your participants. Whether this be a story you tell or an underlying theme to the game you are playing, make sure there is a purpose to everything you do.

Step 4: Tie Up Loose Ends

Be sure to remember WHO this workshop is for, WHERE you will be, WHAT resources and tools you will have and WHY you are trying to teach this lesson. The best workshops are adaptable to all these qualities and can be adjusted to fit any situation.

Now that you have gone through the step-by-step process of building your signature workshop have fun with it! Take this list and make it your own. After all, you are the master of your workshop - you got this.


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