Holly Huston is a current high school student and DECA member born and raised in Marshall, Missouri. As a young leader, Holly is on the cusp of many educational and career opportunities. She is an eager individual who strives for excellence and always seeks outlets to devote her productive efforts. She has been involved in DECA since her freshman year of high school and has since excelled within the organization. Holly has enthusiastically participated in many leadership opportunities DECA provides, such as serving as an association officer for Missouri DECA. Not only has leadership played a role in Holly’s DECA career, but thanks to the organization, it has been implemented into her everyday life. Her primary goal as a leader is to help others succeed because she believes that when people work together, they can do amazing things. When Holly isn’t devoting her time to DECA, she enjoys spending her free time with coffee runs, upcycling clothing, ice-skating adventures and jamming out to Taylor Swift.
Articles from
Holly Huston

6 Tips to DECA Dress to Impress
As a DECA member, your attire plays a crucial role in presenting yourself, projecting professionalism, confidence and attention to detail. Here are six tips and ideas to help you stand out in your DECA dress professional attire.

Senioritis Smackdown
As our DECA seniors’ final months of high school approach, a severe case of senioritis is in the air. But fear not, seniors, here are some helpful strategies to beat senioritis and come out on top!

8 Tips to Maximize Social Media Outreach
The strategies of networking are constantly expanding! Social media and digital interactions are a key part of a growing presence in any organization. Maximize your social media outreach by implementing these 8 strategies.

Preparing DECA's Next Generation
As we celebrate the involvement of the next DECA generation, let's take a closer look at the unique opportunities and considerations we can provide for our future emerging leaders.

7 Ways to Prepare for Your Association’s Conference
Whether you're a DECA rookie or rolling in for the fourth time, it's prime time to up your success game. Navigating a conference takes preparation, so let's dive into some things to remember as you gear up for the upcoming event hosted by your Association.

Workplace Skills for Success
Unlock your path to success in the dynamic job market by discovering 7 emerging workplace skills you need to stay ahead of the competition. This article guides you to becoming the ideal candidate in a rapidly evolving professional landscape.

Canva Craftsmanship: Elevate Your DECA Designs
Canva has become an essential companion for many seeking to enhance their digital presence and pursuits. Dive into the realm of creativity and impact with these 5 ways to use Canva for your DECA designs!

5 Ways to a DECA Dream Team
To have a DECA dream team is no small feat. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to enhance your current team, the process can be both challenging and rewarding. With these five simple strategies, you'll be well on your way to creating an extraordinary DECA team.

Kickstarting Success: Planning Your First Chapter Meeting
Kickstart your DECA journey with an engaging and impactful chapter meeting as the new school year begins. Discover how a well-structured and engaging meeting sets the tone for a successful year of growth, learning and collaboration.

Fundraising with Flair: 5 Ways to Fundraise for Your Chapter
If you are looking for new ideas to procure funds and support your chapter’s needs, this article is for you! By implementing five creative ways to fundraise with flair, your DECA chapter can raise funds while having fun and connecting with your community.

Building Tomorrow's Leaders: A Look Into Incoming Member Recruitment
Recruiting new members is key to building a strong foundation for your chapter and association. By taking the time to promote DECA and by connecting with teachers and other stakeholders, you can help ensure that your chapter continues to thrive for years to come.