Ross Motter served as DECA's Central Region Vice President during the 2022-2023 school year..
Articles from
Ross Motter

Looking Back on Your Legacy
Many of us are reflecting on a successful year serving as a DECA leader, but how do you define that success? Looking back on and defining your legacy allows you to reminisce over the great memories and hard work you accomplished and find new ways to improve your leadership style.

Chapter Outreach: How North Dakota Connects Chapters
Learn more about North Dakota DECA's 2023 Program of Leadership and chapter outreach efforts, including their Adopt-A-Chapter program, from Anika Weekes, Vice President of North Dakota DECA.

Not Going to ICDC? No Problem!
Many DECA members across the world are unable to attend the International Career Development Conference each year, but there are various ways to stay engaged and involved on a chapter, association and executive level, even if you are unable to attend ICDC.

So, You’re Thinking of Running for Executive Office
Have you thought about running for Executive Office? In this role, you can network, collaborate and lead with members of DECA from around the world! Running for a position on the Executive Officer Team is not an easy task, but it is more than rewarding.

Five Ways to Survive Mid-Term Season
When mid-term exams are mixed with the mid-year slump, it tends to create problems regarding productivity and motivation, while also experiencing burnout. Here are five easy ways to help you survive the mid-term season!
How to Get The Edge on Member Engagement
As an organization, we want to make sure that all our members are constantly engaged in what is going on inside the world of DECA. Keeping engagement up, especially into DECA Month, is highly important to keep our members involved and engaged within the amazing organization that we’re all part of today.

Accepting Differences: Adding LGBTQ+ Inclusivity into Your Leadership Style
Tuesday, October 11, is National Coming Out Day. To many, this may be just an ordinary Tuesday, but for LGBTQ+ individuals, this is a day of celebration for being yourself—no matter how you identify. This article is the perfect stepping stone to help educate yourself and get the edge in an inclusive leadership style!

Top 5 Leadership Podcasts to Listen to this International Podcast Day
As emerging leaders, we’re always looking for new ways to learn and grow into our leadership styles. These are five podcasts that I have gathered through my own listening or that other DECA leaders have recommended to me.

Get the Edge with Membership: 5 Ways to Recruit Members for Your DECA Chapter
As the new school year begins, so does a new year for DECA, which means countless opportunities to recruit new members! Recruitment can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be impossible! Here are a few ideas to Get the Edge with your membership.

4 Team Bonding Activities to Do with Your Team This Summer
Are you looking to build stronger connections with your friends, officers or members? Here are four unique ideas to Get the Edge with your team over the summer!

I Graduated! What’s Next?
Did you recently graduate high school? Are you wondering how you can Get the Edge in the next stage of your life? Well, look no further! This is how you can bring DECA with you, even after graduating high school.