Sarah Tran served as DECA's North Atlantic Region Vice President during the 2021-2022 school year.
Articles from
Sarah Tran

Alumni Spotlight: Ramkishore Annachi
Ramki served as DECA’s Southern Region Vice President for the 2020-2021 academic year. He was an avid competitor from North Carolina who was fortunate to have the opportunity to serve at the chapter, association and executive levels of leadership.

3 Tips to Conquer Competitive Event Exam Anxiety
Do you get nervous before taking an exam? With these three easy methods, you will be able to overcome your test anxiety and stroll into your classroom or competitive event feeling confident that you will ace that test!

A Look Back at the Ultimate DECA Power Trip
The Ultimate DECA Power Trip was held in November during DECA Month! From November 19-21, members and advisors had the chance to visit the “City of Champions” —Boston, MA! Here's a look at what happened...

4 Factors for College Matchmaking
Many DECA members will soon begin starting the college application process. While there are many factors that should influence your decision, here are four key factors you should consider when choosing which college(s) to apply to.

A Beginner’s Guide to Freshman Year of High School
DECA's North Atlantic Region Vice President shares three quick tips to help you make the most of your high school experience.

3 Leadership Activities to Jump-start Your New Team
An important part of team building is supporting your teammates and learning their individual leadership styles. Check out these three ideas to help your new team hit the ground running!