Chapter Strategy
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Member Engagement: Preparing for a New Year
Now that it’s December, it’s time for our advisors, members and officer teams to start preparing for competition season. With the academic year of 2023-2024 halfway through, here’s a list of ideas for member engagement and what to consider planning for.
Chapter Campaigns: Ideas for Involvement
Are you and your chapter looking at ways to develop your program of leadership and gain recognition during the best month of the year, DECA Month? Check out this article to learn about all five of DECA’s Chapter Campaigns and ideas for submission.
One DECA: October 2023
Check out what you missed on the October 2023 #OneDECA Call, hosted by DECA's Executive Officer Team.
Celebrating Spooky Season: DECA Style
Autumn vibes are officially in the air, which means it is time for some Halloween-themed chapter events! Here are some scary good tricks to treat your chapter this Halloween.
Canva Craftsmanship: Elevate Your DECA Designs
Canva has become an essential companion for many seeking to enhance their digital presence and pursuits. Dive into the realm of creativity and impact with these 5 ways to use Canva for your DECA designs!
Aligning Fundraising with Your Community’s Events
Aligning fundraising with your community's events can be a strategic way to raise funds while fostering a sense of togetherness and support among community members. Here are some steps to align fundraising with your community’s events effectively.
The Women's World Cup: How Growth Stems from Consistency
This article highlights the history and growth of both the Women’s World Cup tournament and the High School Division of DECA to show how growth stems from consistency.
3 Reasons to Attend One DECA Calls
One DECA Calls provide students opportunities to connect with a global community, gain comprehensive insights into DECA's mission and cultivate essential leadership skills for a successful future.
5 Ways to a DECA Dream Team
To have a DECA dream team is no small feat. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to enhance your current team, the process can be both challenging and rewarding. With these five simple strategies, you'll be well on your way to creating an extraordinary DECA team.
Watch Now: Membership Has Its Perks
Learn how active participation in DECA is more than just competitions and role plays. It's networking, leadership development, community engagement, team building, educational conferences and more.
Join the New DECA Advisor Monthly Chats
Need help getting started as a DECA chapter advisor? Join our monthly New Advisor Chats! Each month will focus on a new topic designed to help advisors with one to three years of membership.
Watch Now: DECA's 2023-2024 Membership Video
Get ready to Experience DECA! Check out DECA's 2023-2024 membership video to help your chapter show why the DECA experience is one of a kind during recruitment.
Incorporating Pride into Your Leadership Style
By incorporating the principles of pride into your leadership style, you can cultivate an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. In honor of Pride month, we’ll explore the five key parts of pride to help you become a more LGBTQ+ inclusive leader!
Recruiting Before the End of the Year
As we finish off the 2022-2023 school year, chapter recruitment is on a lot of people’s minds, so here are some things you can do to end the year strong and look forward to Experience the Difference next year!
5 Ways to Elevate Your End-Of-Year Chapter Banquet
End-of-the-Year Celebrations are always a terrific way to commemorate your chapter's accomplishments and recognize outstanding members. Check out these 5 ways to make your chapter banquet one to remember.
Unique Ways to Complete the Advocacy Campaign
February is CTE Month, meaning DECA members are out in the community, making it known how important Career Technical Student Organizations, or CTSOs, truly are! Chapters can complete the Advocacy Campaign before March 1st and show off DECA’s impact! Here are a few ways to stand out when completing the campaign.
Five Ways to Survive Mid-Term Season
When mid-term exams are mixed with the mid-year slump, it tends to create problems regarding productivity and motivation, while also experiencing burnout. Here are five easy ways to help you survive the mid-term season!
Start Now: 3 Tips to Build Your Chapter for Next Year
Class registration for the 2023-2024 school year will be here in a few short months! If your chapter is co-curricular, where you register for a class while being a DECA member, it is important to spread the word early to potential members coming to your school next year. Here are a few tips to help your chapter succeed in gaining new members.
How to Get The Edge on Member Engagement
As an organization, we want to make sure that all our members are constantly engaged in what is going on inside the world of DECA. Keeping engagement up, especially into DECA Month, is highly important to keep our members involved and engaged within the amazing organization that we’re all part of today.
Get the Edge with Membership: 5 Ways to Recruit Members for Your DECA Chapter
As the new school year begins, so does a new year for DECA, which means countless opportunities to recruit new members! Recruitment can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be impossible! Here are a few ideas to Get the Edge with your membership.
Selling Collegiate DECA: Tabling Talking Points
Are you ready to recruit new Collegiate DECA members at your next tabling event? Follow this guide to craft responses to commonly-asked questions.
Collegiate DECA Tabling Tips for Your Campus Activities Fair
Tabling at events is a great way to recruit new members and share the amazing things that your Collegiate DECA chapter does with your campus community. Use these tips to boost your recruitment efforts to raise awareness of your chapter with prospective members.
Watch Now: DECA's 2022-2023 Membership Video
Get ready for a new year with DECA! The start of the school year means it's time for fun events, creative campaigns and a new membership video!
4 Team Bonding Activities to Do with Your Team This Summer
Are you looking to build stronger connections with your friends, officers or members? Here are four unique ideas to Get the Edge with your team over the summer!