Chapter Strategy
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Five Ways to Survive Mid-Term Season
When mid-term exams are mixed with the mid-year slump, it tends to create problems regarding productivity and motivation, while also experiencing burnout. Here are five easy ways to help you survive the mid-term season!

One DECA: December 2022
Check out what you missed on the December 2022 #OneDECA Call, hosted by DECA's Executive Officer Team.

Start Now: 3 Tips to Build Your Chapter for Next Year
Class registration for the 2023-2024 school year will be here in a few short months! If your chapter is co-curricular, where you register for a class while being a DECA member, it is important to spread the word early to potential members coming to your school next year. Here are a few tips to help your chapter succeed in gaining new members.
How to Get The Edge on Member Engagement
As an organization, we want to make sure that all our members are constantly engaged in what is going on inside the world of DECA. Keeping engagement up, especially into DECA Month, is highly important to keep our members involved and engaged within the amazing organization that we’re all part of today.

One DECA: November 2022
Check out what you missed on the November 2022 #OneDECA Call, hosted by DECA's Executive Officer Team.

One DECA: October 2022
Check out what you missed on the October 2022 #OneDECA Call, hosted by DECA's Executive Officer Team.

An Advisor's Perspective: The Benefits of Operating an SBE
Operating a School-based Enterprise (SBE) can be an enormously rewarding experience and offers a great opportunity for DECA members to learn practical business skills and prepares them for college and careers.

5 Steps to Start a School-based Enterprise
School-based enterprises (SBEs) are effective educational tools to prepare students for college and career readiness. Are you ready to get started? Follow these five steps to bring an SBE to your school.

One DECA: September 2022
Check out what you missed on the September 2022 #OneDECA Call, hosted by DECA's Executive Officer Team.

Get the Edge with Membership: 5 Ways to Recruit Members for Your DECA Chapter
As the new school year begins, so does a new year for DECA, which means countless opportunities to recruit new members! Recruitment can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be impossible! Here are a few ideas to Get the Edge with your membership.

Top 5 Reasons to Join DECA
Looking for a reason to join DECA? Here are five of our favorite reasons you join your school's chapter.

SBE Chapter Certification Guidelines Available Now
The chapter certification guidelines and competition guidelines for the 2022-2023 school year are now available.

DECA Direct Magazine: Here We Go
The Back to School issue features tips on selecting your competitive event, a guide to setting goals for the upcoming year and everything you need to get started this year in DECA!

#Goals for Your Year
Before jumping into your goals for the year, it’s important to start with that passion. Why is DECA important? What can DECA do for the students in your school and your community? In a few sentences, explain your vision for your DECA chapter. If it was everything that it could be, what would it be? Use this vision as a guide as you are setting goals for your chapter.

Your Chapter's Best Year Yet
No matter your goals for the year, membership is the foundation of every DECA chapter. It’s important to plan ahead to reach potential new members and find innovative ways to engage your current members as well. With more than 10 years of DECA experience under their belts, Collegiate DECA Executive Officers Lindsay Joyner and Max May share their secrets to successfully growing chapter membership.

How to Incorporate an Entrepreneurial Attitude into Your DECA Chapter
You may be asking, “How does entrepreneurship apply to my chapter?” Well, the mission of DECA is to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. So why not get a head start? The same basic principles that apply to starting a business also apply to your chapter.

10 Ways to Put the Unity in Your CommUNITY Service Campaign
Community service is an amazing experience that allows us to leave our mark on the world, but getting other high school students involved can sometimes be difficult. Here's how to make it happen!