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Competition Power Moves: Mastering Body Language
Effective body language can enhance your message, captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Let's explore the importance of proper body language when presenting and review pro tips to excel in DECA competition.

Corporate Challenges: What They Entail and Why Members Should Participate
Seven of DECA’s corporate partners are offering Corporate Challenges for our High School Division members! In this article, learn more about our Corporate Challenges, links to get more information, what they each entail and important dates.

Top 5 Tips for Prepared Events
DECA's prepared events require a written project and a prepared presentation, and some require participants to take a career cluster exam. As you begin working on your prepared event for the year, check out these five tips to help you throughout the process!

2023-2024 District-Level Competitive Event Instructional Areas Announced
Get ready for competition season! Each year DECA provides the primary instructional area(s) assessed in each of the district-level scenarios to help advisors and members prepare for district competitions more effectively.

Navigating DECA’s Competitive Events Featured Resources
As school kicks in, so does the DECA year! With a year full of opportunities ahead of us, it is critical to take advantage of all the resources DECA has to offer. Read this quick article to understand which competitive event featured resources are best for you.

Backstage Pass to Glass
Experience the difference in your competitive events results by trying this four-step technique to ensure you get on the 2024 ICDC stage in Anaheim and bring home DECA glass!

DECA Announces Competitive Event Topics for 2023-2024
Get a head start on the 2023-2024 competition season with DECA's competitive event topics and resources for business operations research, professional selling, hospitality and tourism professional selling, and financial consulting.

Advice from DECA Competitive Event Judges
This April, DECA members participating in the competitive events program will appear before a volunteer judge to present on current business trends in various events and formats. In this article, hear from two of our dedicated volunteer judges as they provide insight on their experience serving the past 20+ years.

Standout Creatively in Prepared Events
Top-tier DECA competitors know to hit all the competition event indicators, but it’s those little touches that elevate a well-prepared presentation to a DECA glass-winning presentation. Color, typography, layout and that perfect personal touch are your secret weapons.

Prepare for Role-plays at Association-level Competition
Need help showing your students why DECA is the best at preparing emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management? Use this chronological guide to get started and develop role-play champions!

2022-2023 District-Level Competitive Event Instructional Areas Announced
Get ready for competition season! Each year DECA provides the primary instructional area(s) assessed in each of the district-level scenarios to help advisors and members prepare for district competitions more effectively.

You Do You: Choose Your Competitive Event
Do you aspire to attain some #DECAGlass in DECA’s Competitive Events Program this year? Set yourself up for success in DECA’s competitive events by using this two-fold method.

Helping Your DECA Members Avoid Penalty Points: A Guide for Advisors
As DECA advisors, one of our crucial roles is helping student members navigate the technical requirements of written events. Use this article to guide your student members in avoiding common penalty point deductions.

Get Ready for Session Two of the Collegiate DECA Stock Market Game
Collegiate DECA members are invited to participate in the second session of the DECA Stock Market Game which kicks off on February 3, 2025.

Preparing for Competition Season
As competition season approaches, dive into event samples, practice role-plays and make the most of DECA's sample exams to fine-tune your skills and master time management for the big day.

Compete in Session One of the Collegiate DECA Stock Market Game
Collegiate DECA members are invited to participate in the first round of the Collegiate DECA Stock Market Game (SMG) which kicks off on September 9, 2024.

Your Guide to Understanding DECA ICDC's Competitive Event Process and Transcripts
If you're looking for more information on DECA's International Career Development Conference competitive events process and transcripts, look no further! Explore these frequently asked questions and answers.

Collegiate DECA Competitive Event Draft Topics Announced for 2024-2025
Get a head start on the 2024-2025 competition season with Collegiate DECA's competitive event draft topics for the Business Research, Digital Marketing Strategies and Financial Statement Analysis events.

Collegiate DECA ICDC: Going for Glass
With exciting memories to make and Collegiate DECA ICDC right around the corner, here are some tips from members on how to guarantee the DECA Glass and make the most out of your time in Austin.

Excelling in Collegiate DECA Role-plays
In Collegiate DECA, mastering role plays is crucial for success in the business world. Whether you're a seasoned participant or new to DECA, these practical tips will help elevate your role-playing skills.

DECA Competitive Events: Use of AI
As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, it can be a tremendous tool to help companies and organizations enhance their productivity and work. However, the use of generative AI also comes with significant caution and ethical considerations.

Competition Power Moves: Mastering Body Language
Effective body language can enhance your message, captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Let's explore the importance of proper body language when presenting and review pro tips to excel in DECA competition.

Top 5 Tips for Prepared Events
DECA's prepared events require a written project and a prepared presentation, and some require participants to take a career cluster exam. As you begin working on your prepared event for the year, check out these five tips to help you throughout the process!

Advice from DECA Competitive Event Judges
This April, DECA members participating in the competitive events program will appear before a volunteer judge to present on current business trends in various events and formats. In this article, hear from two of our dedicated volunteer judges as they provide insight on their experience serving the past 20+ years.