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College Success

Discover the Perfect Major and Career Path for You

Nov 15, 2023

Did you know the average person will have 12+ careers in their lifetime? While thousands of careers and college majors can prepare you for your future, picking a career and education path that works for you takes time and research.


Announcing the 2023-2024 Virtual Business Challenge Round 1 ICDC Qualifiers

Nov 13, 2023

DECA congratulates finalist teams in the first round of the 2023-2024 Virtual Business Challenge (VBC). They have earned the opportunity to compete during the DECA International Career Development Conference this spring.


Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Nov 13, 2023

Successful entrepreneurs are self-aware individuals who cultivate these traits, allowing them to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the entrepreneurial journey with resilience and determination.

Career Insights

Using Generative AI to Power Student Entrepreneurship

Nov 13, 2023

This article provides an overview of how Generative AI technologies like ChatGPT can be leveraged by student entrepreneurs while offering a balanced guide for navigating the entrepreneurial landscape with AI.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Increasing Sales by Adding New Services

Nov 13, 2023

Step into the role of the general manager at Madison Foods, a local grocery store in a city with 50,000 people. The owner of the store wants you to determine a new service to offer that will lead to increased sales.


From DECA Advisor to Chick-fil-A Owner-Operator

Nov 9, 2023

Vince Merrell found ways to encourage youth throughout his career as a DECA advisor and a Chick-fil-A Owner-Operator in Las Vegas, Nevada. In this article, discover how Merrell's path to Chick-fil-A was surprising and unexpected.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Creating an Employee Volunteer Program

Nov 6, 2023

Step into the role of the director of human resources for Platter Group, a large global media, marketing and corporate communications company. The president of Platter Group has asked you to create an employee volunteer program.


Giving Back to DECA

Nov 2, 2023

I recently had the privilege of attending the MO DECA Fall Leadership Conference. This experience was particularly special as it allowed me to impart valuable knowledge in various domains critical for their future success.

Career Insights

Cracking the Code on Black Friday Marketing Strategies

Nov 1, 2023

One of the biggest holiday sales is coming up, but what makes it such a big event and even an American tradition? The key is all in how it’s marketed. Explore some of the top marketing strategies for Black Friday and explore how you can apply them to your brand.

Career Insights

Entrepreneurship Advice From DECA Members

Nov 1, 2023

Entrepreneurship is a lifelong goal for some people, and DECA members work to tackle that and make their dreams a reality. Look at what some members are doing to reach their goals!


Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience

Nov 1, 2023

Black Friday has come a long way since its early days. What started as a one-day event has now become a week-long shopping extravaganza and the growth of e-commerce has revolutionized Black Friday shopping.

Career Insights

Workplace Skills for Success

Nov 1, 2023

Unlock your path to success in the dynamic job market by discovering 7 emerging workplace skills you need to stay ahead of the competition. This article guides you to becoming the ideal candidate in a rapidly evolving professional landscape.


The Ultimate Written Event Guide

Nov 1, 2018

Before serving as the 2018-2019 High School Division President, he was an international finalist, earning second place in the International Business Plan at ICDC in Anaheim. Andrew Weatherman took home DECA glass and now he’s taking the time to share his insider secrets with you.


Collegiate DECA 2017-2018 Stock Market Game Session 2 Top Competitors

May 8, 2018

After three months of competition, Collegiate DECA congratulates the top teams who participated in Session 2 of the competition. Rankings are based on percentage growth against the S&P 500, not equity (learn more about the S&P 500 here).


Collegiate DECA's 2017-2018 Recognition Award Winners

Apr 3, 2018

Congratulations to the 2017-2018 Collegiate DECA Recognition Award winners!


Collegiate DECA 2017-2018 Leadership Passport Program Recipients

Apr 2, 2018

Congratulations to the chapters and individuals who completed the 2017-2018 Collegiate DECA Leadership Passport Program.


DECA Scholarship Recipients 2017-2018

Mar 20, 2018

DECA is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 scholarship recipients. Each year, DECA and its corporate partners award over $300,000 in scholarship to DECA members.


DECA Direct Magazine: Prepare for the Real World

Mar 1, 2018

Whether you're about to graduate high school and begin your journey into college, or are saying goodbye to your collegiate years and are looking towards starting your career, this issue has the tips and best practice you need to know to achieve #Limitless success in the real world.


5 Things to Help You Prep for Your Prepared Event

Feb 6, 2018

Association conferences are right around the corner for DECA members everywhere, and while some members are not too worried about getting ready, others may have already started stressing out.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Food and Hospitality

Jan 18, 2018

This issue takes you inside the hospitality industry to discover the vast opportunities available to DECA members. Plus, we have an exclusive interview with two former Utah DECA members who were recently featured on Shark Tank for their creative solution to traditional wedding bands.


Top Competition Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

Nov 21, 2017

Let’s face it, DECA has a lot to offer, but competition is what most DECA members look forward to. Dedicated DECA members will start studying and practicing for their competitive event months in advance.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Tech Trends

Nov 20, 2017

This issue features articles from colleges and companies exploring the topic of virtual reality technology and how it's changing the way business is done, jobs are created and consumers are shopping.


5 Ways to Spice Up Your Competition Prep Routine

Oct 26, 2017

The quest for DECA glass is long and daunting, and sometimes it can get pretty tedious. Here are some ideas to help spice up your normal study routine.