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Super Bowl Commercials: Spiraling Towards the End Zone or Spiraling Out of Control
Costing an astounding $7 million for 30 seconds, Super Bowl commercials either fascinate or flop in front of over 113 million viewers. These commercials are the epitome of strategic marketing.
Case Study of the Week: Methods to Market an Inconvenient Location
Step into the role of the marketing director for Ricardo’s, a mid-priced restaurant with 10 locations. The owner of Ricardo’s has asked you to develop a marketing plan that will build a new location’s local clientele, given its unique location.
Taking Stock with Teens | Fall 2022 Insights
Edward Yruma, Managing Director and Senior Researcher, and Abbie Zvejnieks, Research Analyst, with Piper Sandler highlight insights from the most recent Gen Z research study.
One DECA: February 2023
Check out what you missed on the February 2023 #OneDECA Call, hosted by DECA's Executive Officer Team.
Case Study of the Week: Rich Content for Weekly Emails
Step into the role of director of marketing for Our Town Grocery, a grocery store chain with 350 locations. The senior vice president has asked you to determine content for weekly emails and how to obtain more customers’ email addresses.
Congratulations to DECA's 2023 Certified School-based Enterprises
Congratulations to the DECA School-based Enterprises (SBEs) that earned a 2022-2023 Chapter Certification!
Spread the Love with DECA Valentines
To let your #DECAbestie or #DECAcrush know how much they mean to you, DECA has created valentines for you to share with your friends on February 14.
Case Study of the Week: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Lending
Step into the role of a loan officer at Coopers Savings & Loan. You must explain to another loan officer the importance of emotional intelligence when helping customers apply for a loan.
DECA Announces the 2022-2023 Virtual Business Challenge Round 2 ICDC Qualifiers
DECA congratulates finalist teams in the second round of the 2022-2023 Virtual Business Challenge (VBC) advancing to final competition during DECA's International Career Development Conference.
The Magic of Next: 5-Word Motivation from Iconic Super Bowl Slogan
In the sports and entertainment world, it does not get any bigger than winning the Super Bowl in front of thousands in person and by millions around the world via television and radio.
DECA SEM Spotlight: Meet Jasmine Forrestal
This past week, 800 DECA members gathered in Orlando, Florida, for the 2023 Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference. In this article, learn more about Jasmine, a standout attendee at this year's conference.
A Look Back at DECA's Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference
The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference in Orlando, Florida, has wrapped up and members have gained new knowledge to propel their careers while having fun and making new memories. Here’s a recap of what we learned and what entertainment to expect when you head to ICDC in April.
5 Ways Collegiate DECA Will Take You to the Next Level
It's official, the school year is underway. While things will look different, there are still many ways to take yourself and your Collegiate DECA chapter to the next level!
Video Call Tips and Tricks
Practically overnight, video calls have become a new societal norm. This guide will provide you with a few tips and useful tricks to help improve your online learning or telecommuting experience.
A Quick Guide to Understanding Servant Leadership
The concept of leadership has been around since the days of Aristotle and Plato and has evolved countless times throughout the centuries. But in 1970, a new theory emerged. Developed by Robert Greenleaf, servant leadership is the idea that empowered leaders serve their followers and to enable them to live and work to their full potential.
The Ethics of Leadership
Ethical leaders exist in all walks of life. They are the individuals who step forward when crises occur, come to the rescue of others and generally do what's right—no matter what. Anyone can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? In today's high-visibility, social world, more people are taking note of leaders’ behavior and holding them accountable.
DECA Direct Magazine: Next Level Leadership
A new school year brings new chances to elevate your leadership to the next level. Discover fresh ideas to enhance your chapter and become a leader worth following in your school, community and beyond.
The Next Level is Inclusion
It has never been more important for emerging leaders to be characterized by teamwork, innovation, competency and integrity. Fortunately, those are the valued characteristics of DECA’s student leaders. What if this moment needs you and the unique values that drive your leadership?
Top Tips for Socially-distant Membership Recruitment
Building your chapter’s membership is one of the most important ways to set it up for success in the new school year. But what are the best ways to recruit within the “new normal” of more virtual interactions and less in-person activities? Learn how to recruit new members the socially-distant way with these top tips.
The Power of the Diamond
Throughout your DECA career, you’ll wear the blazer, throw up a DECA diamond symbol and add lots of blue to your wardrobe. You will also undoubtedly hear DECA’s core values and mission statement more times than you can count. But have you ever stopped to think about what they really mean?
Cultivate Your Chapter’s Culture
2020 is a year that has changed all of our lives. If your DECA chapter has experienced a decline in recent months, struggling to cope with virtual meetings and maintain engagement, your chapter culture may need a boost.
Discover Your DECA Leadership Style
There are hundreds of assessments to help you pinpoint your leadership traits, but the only one you need to take your leadership to the next level is the DECA Leadership Style Quiz.
Influence with Informal Leadership
While you may not have an official leadership title, you still have the ability to help take your chapter to the #NextLevel with your informal leadership influence. Read on to learn more about informal leadership and how you can use it to make this year a success for you and your chapter.
DECA Members Raise $7,000 Through the MDA Muscle Corp Program
DECA members raised over $7,000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) this summer through the pilot MDA Muscle Corp Program. Twenty-one DECA members successfully completed the program and earned 40 hours of community service.