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DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Industry Trends
College and career partners discuss the current and future industry forecasts as well as trends that are changing the landscape.
DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: College + Career Readiness
College and career partners discuss how we can master the DECA member experience by aligning with workforce needs, delivering real industry experience and developing skills necessary for college and career success.
DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Fueling the Talent Pipeline
College and career partners discuss how DECA and industry partners can work with educators to build a successful talent pipeline and utilize DECA members to fill voids within the workplace.
DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Making a Difference
College and career partners worked to translate key findings into actionable objectives to continue the conversation and increase industry involvement with DECA.
One DECA: December 2022
Check out what you missed on the December 2022 #OneDECA Call, hosted by DECA's Executive Officer Team.
Preparing for Your Future Career Starts Today
During the Ultimate DECA Power Trip, the Executive Officer Team attended the first ever DECA Workforce Development Summit. Members of DECA’s National Advisory Board gathered to discuss the future of employment and industry across the business world.
Case Study of the Week: Turning a Hobby into a Business
Step into the role of a small business consultant. You will meet with an entrepreneur to discuss the initial steps that must be completed or researched before the entrepreneur markets the new business.
Why Cross-cultural Fluency Is Among Today’s Most Sought-after Workplace Skills
As Head of Career Services at the international hospitality school Les Roches, Stephanie Ruiz has conversations every day with potential employers for students. She explains why these employers now place cross-cultural fluency among their most in-demand skills.
DECA Fundraising: Thinking Outside of the Box
Interested in learning how your chapter can increase its fundraising events? Read about Cypress Bay DECA's largest fundraiser of the year—snack boxes—and the impact it has on the student body.
Case Study of the Week: Making a Splash with New Management
Step into the role of the marketing director for Bridge Town Pools. The new owner has asked you to communicate a change in ownership and commitment to service to former customers.
Congratulations to the 2022 Intuit Social Innovation Challenge Winners
This year, Intuit challenged students to “Lead with a Cause” by designing an innovative solution to make entrepreneurship and business ownership accessible for all. DECA Inc. is excited to announce the top DECA team in the 2022 Intuit Social Innovation Challenge!
Case Study of the Week: Does a Retailer Live Up to Its Promise?
Step into the role of the director of brand management and company spokesperson for Pet Stop. The senior vice president has asked for you to analyze negative company press and determine if company policies need to be addressed or changed.
5 Ideas for Your Collegiate DECA Spring Recruitment
A new semester brings new possibilities and opportunities. Even if your membership didn't match your goals for the fall semester, we are all in this together and can help ensure we have a successful spring DECA season!
How to Use TikTok for Your Chapter
Discover tips, tricks and ideas to help get your chapter started on a TikTok journey that is bound to engage members all year long!
Cultivate Chapter Success Using the Three C's
Have you ever wondered how to take your collegiate DECA chapter to the #NextLevel? This article discusses implementing the Three C's to help your chapter thrive!
3 Tips to Take Your Virtual Tabling Event to the Next Level
Busy planning your chapter’s next virtual recruiting event? Here are three tips for bringing your chapter’s virtual tabling experience to the next level!
Take Your Leadership Passport to the Next Level
Congratulations! You survived the first semester of this academic year. Now, it's time to plan for your next semester and the rest of your Collegiate DECA experience this year.
DECA Direct Magazine: Marketing Trends
The world of marketing is diverse and ever-changing. Keep up with the latest industry trends to stay at the top of your game, learn to market your chapter like a pro and get a behind-the-scenes look at careers in this exciting field.
6 Things to Start Doing Now to Land Your Marketing "Dream Job"
Do you have your sights set on a dream job in marketing? Read on for some must-do and next level actions you can take to build your network, skills and brand and start making your dream job a reality.
Marketing Your Chapter in the New Year
Discover tips to market your Collegiate DECA chapter and recruit new members in the second semester.
The Best Marketing Career for Your Personality Type
Marketing careers are not one-size-fits-all, and the variety of career paths in marketing continues to grow each year. Read on to learn more about a few top marketing specialties and which might be best for your unique personality!
The Art of Storytelling
Whether we are competing, fundraising, socializing, serving or leading we are constantly telling a story—our DECA story. So, why not make your story the best it can be?!
Behind the Headlines with a P&G Communications Executive
Procter & Gamble Chief Communications Officer Damon Jones sits down with NRF Foundation All Access for “20 Questions.”
Announcing the 2020 Intuit Innovation Challenge Winners
The Intuit Innovation Challenge is a hands-on design thinking project, daring students around the globe to innovate for impact to help reverse the effect of global warming.