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Teaching the Ethical Principle of Accountability
MBA Research’s ethical principles video on accountability takes a deep dive into accountability, giving students an understanding of what the principle means, its supporting traits, how it plays out in the real world, and how students can use it in their own lives.
The Gray Zone: Resources to Foster Ethical Decision-Making Skills
Welcome to The Gray Zone—that hazy, murky space between black and white, right and wrong. MBA Research offers multiple opportunities to help your students understand that the business world includes many shades of gray. Enhance your instruction using our classic case studies, interactive video series, or both!
Start Now: 3 Tips to Build Your Chapter for Next Year
Class registration for the 2023-2024 school year will be here in a few short months! If your chapter is co-curricular, where you register for a class while being a DECA member, it is important to spread the word early to potential members coming to your school next year. Here are a few tips to help your chapter succeed in gaining new members.
2022-2023 Virtual Business Challenge Round 1 ICDC Qualifiers
DECA congratulates finalist teams in the first round of the 2022-2023 Virtual Business Challenge (VBC). They have earned the opportunity to compete during the DECA International Career Development Conference this spring.
Case Study of the Week: Customer Reviews for Custom Pottery
Step into the role of the owner of Custom Pottery, a small business located in a city with 300,000 people. An entrepreneurial consultant has recommended that you begin allowing and encouraging customer reviews.
Turn Your Business Idea Into a Reality
So, you’ve got an idea for a business. What next? Whether you want to start a technology company or a restaurant, there are 5 practical steps you can take to bring your idea to life and figure out the next steps.
Building Deep Customer Empathy to Solve Any Problem
Deep Customer Empathy creates shared understanding, insights and motivation to improve the lives of our customers. How do we gain this empathy? By observing people, their behaviors, patterns and environment first-hand, with a keen eye to their pain points and barriers to achieving their goal.
Opportunities that Arose from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Out of the box, creative thinking arose because of COVID. For the live events industry and specifically for EDGE, it meant shifting to remote filming kits and establishing health and safety protocols. It strengthened our client relationships and our team’s cohesiveness.
Over 1,000 DECA Members Gathered at The Ultimate DECA Power Trip in Washington, D.C.
From November 11-13, 2022, over 1,000 DECA student and advisor members from 32 states attended the Ultimate DECA Power Trip in the Washington, D.C. area. Congratulations to the Ultimate DECA Members and Competitive Excellence Experience top performers!
DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 44th Semi-Annual Survey of 14,500 U.S. Teens
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 44th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences from more than 14,500 teens across the U.S. with an average age of 15.8 years.
How to Get The Edge on Member Engagement
As an organization, we want to make sure that all our members are constantly engaged in what is going on inside the world of DECA. Keeping engagement up, especially into DECA Month, is highly important to keep our members involved and engaged within the amazing organization that we’re all part of today.
One DECA: November 2022
Check out what you missed on the November 2022 #OneDECA Call, hosted by DECA's Executive Officer Team.
Managing Stress as a Small Business Owner
After six years as a small business owner and entrepreneur, I’ve adapted a few habits and philosophies that have helped me along the way. Here’s what I’ve learned.
Good Stress, Bad Stress: Find Your Sweet Spot
We all experience stress on a daily basis, but the amount we experience depends on how well we cope with the various stressors in our lives. Here are a few tips to help you identify good versus bad stress and find the perfect balance.
2020 DECA Pumpkin Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners of DECA's Annual Pumpkin Contest! This year's contest had a record-shattering 530+ submissions from members all across the DECA world. The selection process was not easy, but the members have voted and we are excited to announce the top three winners in each category!
November is Native American History Month
November is National Native American History Month. Here are three ways that you can celebrate.
Virtual College Search Tips for Finding Your Dream School
Whether you are doing initial research and creating your list of potential colleges or you are a senior getting ready to apply, this guide will help you find useful resources to aid you in your college application and decision process.
Top Tips to Stay on Top of Your To-Do List
Are you struggling to stay focused and get your work done? If the answer is "yes," then you are in the right place! Read on for five tips to help you stay on top of your to-do list during the school year.
Manage Your Tasks Like a Pro
Do you ever feel like you are racing against the clock to meet deadlines and complete assignments? If you struggle with procrastination, a task management plan will help you focus on the task at hand. A simple change in habits could make a gigantic difference!
Wisconsin DECA’s Trick-or-Can: A Behind the Scenes Interview
Nate Jacobs, DECA's Central Region Vice President, caught up with Sam Fischer from Wisconsin DECA about one of the association's most popular community service events—Trick-or-Can.
Community Service: COVID-19 Style
If anyone knows how to participate in community service, it's DECA members! Even in the middle of a pandemic, we continue to create new, socially-distanced ways to impact our communities.
Inclusion, Access, Equity & Diversity: CTE Learners Discuss
Educators often discuss how to ensure career and technical education (CTE) programs are more inclusive, accessible, equitable and diverse, but how often do we discuss this topic with learners, the individuals most affected?
Beginner’s Guide to the DECA Stock Market Game
The Stock Market Game is an online simulation that helps students develop skills in economics, investing and personal finance. If you are curious about competing in this event, read on to find out more!
DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 40th Semi-Annual Survey of 9,800 U.S. Teens
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 40th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences from 9,800 teens across 48 U.S. states with an average age of 15.8 years.