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Chapter Strategy

Building an Innovative Community

Jul 16, 2021

Joining Collegiate DECA is a rewarding experience. From working in the community and leading critical aspects of the organization, to achieving competitive success and expanding your network, there is something for every level of the college experience.

Career Insights

How to Dominate with Color Psychology in Marketing

Jul 6, 2021

Color psychology is the study of how colors affect perceptions and behaviors in marketing and branding. If you have never heard of color psychology and how to best utilize it in marketing, read on!

College Success

Plan Your Next College Visit

Jul 1, 2021

As the world begins to return to normalcy, colleges are inviting you back onto campus for visits and tours! Check out this quick guide to make the best of your college visits!


School-based Enterprise Individual Certifications 2020-2021

Jun 30, 2021

Congratulations to the members who have earned individual certification through DECA's School-based Enterprise (SBE) Individual Certification Exam!

Career Insights

First Impressions in 7 Seconds

Jun 23, 2021

People often have a precise judgment of you in the first seven seconds after meeting you. Whether it's meeting a new classmate, a job interview or even interacting with your competitive event judge, find out how to make the most of your seven seconds!

College Success

3 Reasons to Continue Your DECA Journey in College

Jun 15, 2021

The high school Class of 2021 had their DECA careers capped with virtual competition and virtual ceremonies. Thankfully, their DECA journeys don’t have to end there. Collegiate DECA allows graduates to continue their careers.

Career Insights

How to Maximize Your Summer Job or Internship Experience

Jun 10, 2021

From bagging groceries to working with your dream company, many students choose to use their free time during the summer to get a job. Using these tips, you’ll be able to maximize the experience you receive from holding such a position.

College Success

5 Pieces of Advice from the DECA Class of 2021

Jun 1, 2021

This year’s graduating seniors are full of wisdom and are excited to share it with you! Be sure to maximize your momentum by following these great pieces of advice.


Congratulations to the 2021-2022 Marriott Foundation Curriculum Grant Recipients

May 17, 2021

Congratulations to the following chapters selected to receive the VBC-DECA Hotel Challenge Curriculum Grant provided by the J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott Foundation.


DECA Announces the 2021-2022 Membership Theme: Maximize Your Momentum

May 7, 2021

Take your DECA membership to the fullest and get ready to Maximize Your Momentum in 2021-2022.


Congratulations to the 2021 Ethical Leadership Chapter Challenge Winners

May 6, 2021

Congratulations to the winners of the Ethical Leadership Chapter Challenge hosted during the 2021 Virtual International Career Development Conference!


Meet the 2021-2022 DECA Executive Officer Team

May 6, 2021

Congratulations to the newly-elected 2021-2022 DECA Executive Officer Team! The team is excited to represent DECA members around the globe as they begin work on their goals and objectives for the year ahead.


Build Better Habits (and Break Your Bad Ones!)

Nov 3, 2020

Having the right habits is more important than ever as you navigate a busy school year. Read on to learn how you can create better habits in any area of your life, plus our tips and tricks for getting rid of your bad habits for good!


Mindfulness Your Way

Nov 3, 2020

You may have heard about mindfulness in one of your classes, and perhaps you’ve even tried meditating a time or two. For many people, meditation and other mindfulness practices are a go-to source for stress relief, getting in the zone before a role-play or resetting emotions after encountering an upsetting situation.


De-stress for Success

Nov 3, 2020

Life will always throw challenges your way, but the biggest challenges present opportunities for the greatest rewards. So, what’s the best way to manage stress? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, here are some of the ways that work best for me.


Stress to Success: How to Use "Good Stress" to Succeed in Competition

Nov 3, 2020

Stress is often perceived as a negative experience, but the right kind of stress can actually fuel your success in competition and beyond. Read on to learn about "good stress", how to distinguish it from the bad and ways you can harness it to take your competitive edge to the next level!


Work Out the Stress

Nov 3, 2020

Today’s teens pack a lot into their busy schedules, which has caused stress levels and anxiety to increase in recent years. D’Andre Vasquez, DECA’s 2019-2020 High School Division President, discusses how he handles the stress in his life and how you can too!


How to Fight Off Zoom Fatigue

Nov 3, 2020

Whether it’s trying to combat Zoom fatigue or attempting to deal with the strain and stress that comes from staring at a screen all day, here are three tips to help you de-stress in an age of virtual living.

College Success

Take the Stress Out of DECA Scholarship Applications

Nov 3, 2020

Each year, DECA awards over $200,000 in scholarships to deserving high school and college members. Here are five tips to help take the stress out of applying for DECA scholarships.


5 Tips to Take Your Productivity to the #NextLevel

Nov 3, 2020

Schoolwork, volunteering, extracurricular activities, DECA... can you really do it all without endless all-nighters? We think so! Check out five of our favorite ways to level-up your schedules, to-do lists and priorities for peak productivity.

Career Insights

Managing Stress as a Small Business Owner

Nov 3, 2020

After six years as a small business owner and entrepreneur, I’ve adapted a few habits and philosophies that have helped me along the way. Here’s what I’ve learned.


Good Stress, Bad Stress: Find Your Sweet Spot

Nov 3, 2020

We all experience stress on a daily basis, but the amount we experience depends on how well we cope with the various stressors in our lives. Here are a few tips to help you identify good versus bad stress and find the perfect balance.


2020 DECA Pumpkin Contest Winners

Nov 2, 2020

Congratulations to the winners of DECA's Annual Pumpkin Contest! This year's contest had a record-shattering 530+ submissions from members all across the DECA world. The selection process was not easy, but the members have voted and we are excited to announce the top three winners in each category!


November is Native American History Month

Nov 1, 2020

November is National Native American History Month. Here are three ways that you can celebrate.