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Career Insights

Marketing, Communications, PR and Advertising: What's the Difference?

Jul 26, 2021

The terms marketing, communications, public relations and advertising are commonly confused. So, how are they similar and how are they different?


3 Leadership Activities to Jump-start Your New Team

Jul 23, 2021

An important part of team building is supporting your teammates and learning their individual leadership styles. Check out these three ideas to help your new team hit the ground running!

Chapter Strategy

Building an Innovative Community

Jul 16, 2021

Joining Collegiate DECA is a rewarding experience. From working in the community and leading critical aspects of the organization, to achieving competitive success and expanding your network, there is something for every level of the college experience.

Career Insights

How to Dominate with Color Psychology in Marketing

Jul 6, 2021

Color psychology is the study of how colors affect perceptions and behaviors in marketing and branding. If you have never heard of color psychology and how to best utilize it in marketing, read on!

College Success

Plan Your Next College Visit

Jul 1, 2021

As the world begins to return to normalcy, colleges are inviting you back onto campus for visits and tours! Check out this quick guide to make the best of your college visits!


School-based Enterprise Individual Certifications 2020-2021

Jun 30, 2021

Congratulations to the members who have earned individual certification through DECA's School-based Enterprise (SBE) Individual Certification Exam!

Career Insights

First Impressions in 7 Seconds

Jun 23, 2021

People often have a precise judgment of you in the first seven seconds after meeting you. Whether it's meeting a new classmate, a job interview or even interacting with your competitive event judge, find out how to make the most of your seven seconds!

College Success

3 Reasons to Continue Your DECA Journey in College

Jun 15, 2021

The high school Class of 2021 had their DECA careers capped with virtual competition and virtual ceremonies. Thankfully, their DECA journeys don’t have to end there. Collegiate DECA allows graduates to continue their careers.

Career Insights

How to Maximize Your Summer Job or Internship Experience

Jun 10, 2021

From bagging groceries to working with your dream company, many students choose to use their free time during the summer to get a job. Using these tips, you’ll be able to maximize the experience you receive from holding such a position.

College Success

5 Pieces of Advice from the DECA Class of 2021

Jun 1, 2021

This year’s graduating seniors are full of wisdom and are excited to share it with you! Be sure to maximize your momentum by following these great pieces of advice.


Congratulations to the 2021-2022 Marriott Foundation Curriculum Grant Recipients

May 17, 2021

Congratulations to the following chapters selected to receive the VBC-DECA Hotel Challenge Curriculum Grant provided by the J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott Foundation.


DECA Announces the 2021-2022 Membership Theme: Maximize Your Momentum

May 7, 2021

Take your DECA membership to the fullest and get ready to Maximize Your Momentum in 2021-2022.


DECA Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016

Mar 18, 2016

Congratulations to these EPIC members!


Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016

Mar 17, 2016

Congratulations to these EPIC Collegiate DECA members!


4 Presentation Tips to Help Your Wow Your Judge

Mar 1, 2016

The difference between a good case study presentation and a great case study presentation is the delivery of the content you’ve created.


Tips for Taking DECA Exams

Jan 25, 2016

Doing well on the exam not only means you could make it on stage at your association conference, but you could also move on to the International Career Development Conference! Follow these three steps to do your best!


5 Tips for Taking On the DECA Competition

May 6, 2015

Hear how one member took advantage of their ICDC experience to gather competition tips from other international competitors.


Competition Tips from ICDC Qualifiers

Apr 7, 2015

Ever wondered how students who compete at ICDC do so well and make it to the international conference? We took to the halls of ICDC to find out! Here are some inside tips from competitors on how to best prepare for competition and make it to ICDC!


Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015

Mar 23, 2015

Congratulations to this year's Collegiate DECA scholarship recipients.


3 Things to Think About When Prepping for Competition

Dec 3, 2012

The unique ideas and presentations that each student brings to the competition keep me coming back to judge. Judges take great pride in witnessing the time and dedication DECA members invest in bettering themselves outside the classroom.


6 Steps to Team Competition Excellence

Feb 11, 2011

As we gear up for another year of DECA competitions some, teams are coming together for the first time while others are trying to work the kinks out from last year. When you’re competing as a team at DECA there are some key steps you’ll want to take to reach excellence.