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DECA Stock Market Game 2021 ICDC Qualifiers
DECA Inc. is pleased to announce the 2021 ICDC qualifiers in the 2020-2021 DECA Stock Market Game, administered by the SIFMA Foundation.
5 Ideas for Your Collegiate DECA Spring Recruitment
A new semester brings new possibilities and opportunities. Even if your membership didn't match your goals for the fall semester, we are all in this together and can help ensure we have a successful spring DECA season!
How to Use TikTok for Your Chapter
Discover tips, tricks and ideas to help get your chapter started on a TikTok journey that is bound to engage members all year long!
3 Tips to Take Your Virtual Tabling Event to the Next Level
Busy planning your chapter’s next virtual recruiting event? Here are three tips for bringing your chapter’s virtual tabling experience to the next level!
Congratulations to DECA's #NextLevel Chapter Campaign Winners!
Congratulations to the chapters who rocked the Chapter and Membership Campaigns during this unique year. From virtual fundraising to creative membership recruitment, these chapters took things to the #NextLevel!
Put Your Marketing Skills to the Test with CTE Month®
Read on for ideas to help you celebrate CTE Month® this year by promoting DECA and the importance of career and technical education (CTE).
DECA Direct Magazine: Marketing Trends
The world of marketing is diverse and ever-changing. Keep up with the latest industry trends to stay at the top of your game, learn to market your chapter like a pro and get a behind-the-scenes look at careers in this exciting field.
6 Things to Start Doing Now to Land Your Marketing "Dream Job"
Do you have your sights set on a dream job in marketing? Read on for some must-do and next level actions you can take to build your network, skills and brand and start making your dream job a reality.
Maximize Your Chapter's Marketing with New Audiences
Check out these three under-tapped audiences that you should be targeting with your chapter’s marketing and some key ways to reach them.
The Best Marketing Career for Your Personality Type
Marketing careers are not one-size-fits-all, and the variety of career paths in marketing continues to grow each year. Read on to learn more about a few top marketing specialties and which might be best for your unique personality!
The Art of Storytelling
Whether we are competing, fundraising, socializing, serving or leading we are constantly telling a story—our DECA story. So, why not make your story the best it can be?!
Behind the Headlines with a P&G Communications Executive
Procter & Gamble Chief Communications Officer Damon Jones sits down with NRF Foundation All Access for “20 Questions.”
Virtual College Search Tips for Finding Your Dream School
Whether you are doing initial research and creating your list of potential colleges or you are a senior getting ready to apply, this guide will help you find useful resources to aid you in your college application and decision process.
Top Tips to Stay on Top of Your To-Do List
Are you struggling to stay focused and get your work done? If the answer is "yes," then you are in the right place! Read on for five tips to help you stay on top of your to-do list during the school year.
Manage Your Tasks Like a Pro
Do you ever feel like you are racing against the clock to meet deadlines and complete assignments? If you struggle with procrastination, a task management plan will help you focus on the task at hand. A simple change in habits could make a gigantic difference!
Wisconsin DECA’s Trick-or-Can: A Behind the Scenes Interview
Nate Jacobs, DECA's Central Region Vice President, caught up with Sam Fischer from Wisconsin DECA about one of the association's most popular community service events—Trick-or-Can.
Community Service: COVID-19 Style
If anyone knows how to participate in community service, it's DECA members! Even in the middle of a pandemic, we continue to create new, socially-distanced ways to impact our communities.
Inclusion, Access, Equity & Diversity: CTE Learners Discuss
Educators often discuss how to ensure career and technical education (CTE) programs are more inclusive, accessible, equitable and diverse, but how often do we discuss this topic with learners, the individuals most affected?
Beginner’s Guide to the DECA Stock Market Game
The Stock Market Game is an online simulation that helps students develop skills in economics, investing and personal finance. If you are curious about competing in this event, read on to find out more!
DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 40th Semi-Annual Survey of 9,800 U.S. Teens
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 40th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences from 9,800 teens across 48 U.S. states with an average age of 15.8 years.
Watch Now: Executive Mentor Roundtable on Next Level Leadership
Check out DECA’s Executive Mentor Roundtable on “Next Level Leadership." Four executives share how they have harnessed the power of leadership to impact others and offer advice on how you can take your leadership to the next level.
3 Podcasts to Enrich Your Leadership and Life
Podcasts are a convenient way to learn more about becoming a better person and leader. Continue reading to discover three new podcasts to add to your collection that are guaranteed to provide insight on life, leadership and everything in between!
Program of Leadership: Your Chapter's Master Plan
So your officer team has been elected and a new semester has begun. Now what?! While there are endless ways to organize your ideas and initiatives, this article will help you craft an attainable program of leadership.
10 Tips for Back to School
As the new school year begins, we must all learn to adapt to a new world. We'll encounter many online classes, virtual events and new guidelines for campus... To help you navigate it all, here is a list of ten tips for starting this school year strong.