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Congratulations to DECA's #NextLevel Chapter Campaign Winners!
Congratulations to the chapters who rocked the Chapter and Membership Campaigns during this unique year. From virtual fundraising to creative membership recruitment, these chapters took things to the #NextLevel!
Put Your Marketing Skills to the Test with CTE Month®
Read on for ideas to help you celebrate CTE Month® this year by promoting DECA and the importance of career and technical education (CTE).
DECA Direct Magazine: Marketing Trends
The world of marketing is diverse and ever-changing. Keep up with the latest industry trends to stay at the top of your game, learn to market your chapter like a pro and get a behind-the-scenes look at careers in this exciting field.
6 Things to Start Doing Now to Land Your Marketing "Dream Job"
Do you have your sights set on a dream job in marketing? Read on for some must-do and next level actions you can take to build your network, skills and brand and start making your dream job a reality.
Maximize Your Chapter's Marketing with New Audiences
Check out these three under-tapped audiences that you should be targeting with your chapter’s marketing and some key ways to reach them.
The Best Marketing Career for Your Personality Type
Marketing careers are not one-size-fits-all, and the variety of career paths in marketing continues to grow each year. Read on to learn more about a few top marketing specialties and which might be best for your unique personality!
The Art of Storytelling
Whether we are competing, fundraising, socializing, serving or leading we are constantly telling a story—our DECA story. So, why not make your story the best it can be?!
Behind the Headlines with a P&G Communications Executive
Procter & Gamble Chief Communications Officer Damon Jones sits down with NRF Foundation All Access for “20 Questions.”
Announcing the 2020 Intuit Innovation Challenge Winners
The Intuit Innovation Challenge is a hands-on design thinking project, daring students around the globe to innovate for impact to help reverse the effect of global warming.
Top 10 Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2021
Looking for the latest trends and buzzwords to incorporate into your next role-play? DECA’s Competitive Events Specialist shares a look at what to expect in the new year.
Association Office: Is It Right for You?
Are you passionate about DECA and its members? Do you have what it takes to lead others? Then maybe you should consider running for an association office. Keep reading to find out whether or not this position is the right fit for you and what you can expect from it!
The Insider's Guide to Marketing Your SBE
If you want to attract new customers while maintaining a loyal base, you need to utilize cutting-edge techniques for your school-based enterprise. Here are some of our favorites shared by DECA advisors across the globe.
10 Business, Marketing and Hospitality Trends to Watch in 2023
Are you looking to get the edge in your next DECA role-play? Brush up on the top business, marketing and hospitality trends that companies will be watching in 2023.
Workshops for the Leaders of Tomorrow
Want to learn how your DECA Chapter can prepare your members for their future careers by expanding upon their personal and professional skills? Read about Cypress Bay High School’s Career Development Project and how they prepare emerging leaders at the bay!
Five Ways to Survive Mid-Term Season
When mid-term exams are mixed with the mid-year slump, it tends to create problems regarding productivity and motivation, while also experiencing burnout. Here are five easy ways to help you survive the mid-term season!
Be Consistent with Core Values
The "Be Consistent with Core Values" episode features Steve Holmes, the Non-Executive Chairman of Wyndham Worldwide & Wyndham Destinations.
Case Study of the Week: Declaring Dividends
Step into the role of the controller of a publicly traded company called, Textron, Inc. The vice president of finance will be presenting information to the board of directors and needs your input.
SCCC DECA Attends the New York Experience Conference
Students from SCCC DECA attended DECA's New York Experience for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to New York City. The trip was full of exciting learning experiences about different aspects of marketing, business, entrepreneurship, hospitality, and finance.
POB DECA Is Stronger Together
One amazing aspect of DECA is supporting causes that positively impact the community and change the course of people's lives. Throughout the month of October POB DECA partnered with Stacy's Warriors, a local breast cancer charity, to raise over $9,000.
DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Industry Trends
College and career partners discuss the current and future industry forecasts as well as trends that are changing the landscape.
DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: College + Career Readiness
College and career partners discuss how we can master the DECA member experience by aligning with workforce needs, delivering real industry experience and developing skills necessary for college and career success.
DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Fueling the Talent Pipeline
College and career partners discuss how DECA and industry partners can work with educators to build a successful talent pipeline and utilize DECA members to fill voids within the workplace.
DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Making a Difference
College and career partners worked to translate key findings into actionable objectives to continue the conversation and increase industry involvement with DECA.
Collegiate DECA 2022 Virtual Case Simulation Competition Winners
This year, 112 Collegiate DECA members participated in the Collegiate DECA Virtual Case Simulation competition, sponsored by long-time DECA partner, Knowledge Matters. Congratulations to the top three performers!