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College Success

10 Tips for Back to School

Sep 22, 2020

As the new school year begins, we must all learn to adapt to a new world. We'll encounter many online classes, virtual events and new guidelines for campus... To help you navigate it all, here is a list of ten tips for starting this school year strong.

Chapter Strategy

Quick Guide to Virtual Chapter Meetings

Sep 22, 2020

Virtual meeting platforms have become a prominent form of communication between family, friends and businesses and many of these tools are here to stay. Being prepared to host or participate in a virtual meeting will allow you to stand out and make a great impression.

Chapter Strategy

3 Fundraising Ideas for Fall

Sep 22, 2020

It seems that in every facet of DECA, fundraising is a necessity. During these unique times, it's important to innovate to ensure your chapter can participate in events and remain secure for the future. Here are three virtual fundraisers to try this fall.

Chapter Strategy

10 Tips for Your Social Media and How to Apply It to Your SBE

Sep 16, 2020

Social media has become an essential tool in business. It is how businesses are building their brand and their online communities. The root goal behind why businesses build their online presence? The main goal is to make sales and build a customer base. So how do you get started to apply this to your own business or school-based enterprise? Here are 10 tips to get you started.


Video Call Tips and Tricks

Sep 10, 2020

Practically overnight, video calls have become a new societal norm. This guide will provide you with a few tips and useful tricks to help improve your online learning or telecommuting experience.


Take Your Community Service to the Next Level with Lead4Change

Sep 8, 2020

The Lead4Change Leadership programs offer numerous benefits for students. An independent research study found that participating in Lead4Change contributed to significant growth in areas such as leadership skills (60% of students improved), respect for others (54%) and ambition and innovation (53%). Teachers can have equally transformative experiences.


A Quick Guide to Understanding Servant Leadership

Sep 8, 2020

The concept of leadership has been around since the days of Aristotle and Plato and has evolved countless times throughout the centuries. But in 1970, a new theory emerged. Developed by Robert Greenleaf, servant leadership is the idea that empowered leaders serve their followers and to enable them to live and work to their full potential.


The Ethics of Leadership

Sep 8, 2020

Ethical leaders exist in all walks of life. They are the individuals who step forward when crises occur, come to the rescue of others and generally do what's right—no matter what. Anyone can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? In today's high-visibility, social world, more people are taking note of leaders’ behavior and holding them accountable.


DECA Direct Magazine: Next Level Leadership

Sep 8, 2020

A new school year brings new chances to elevate your leadership to the next level. Discover fresh ideas to enhance your chapter and become a leader worth following in your school, community and beyond.


The Next Level is Inclusion

Sep 8, 2020

It has never been more important for emerging leaders to be characterized by teamwork, innovation, competency and integrity. Fortunately, those are the valued characteristics of DECA’s student leaders. What if this moment needs you and the unique values that drive your leadership?

Chapter Strategy

Top Tips for Socially-distant Membership Recruitment

Sep 8, 2020

Building your chapter’s membership is one of the most important ways to set it up for success in the new school year. But what are the best ways to recruit within the “new normal” of more virtual interactions and less in-person activities? Learn how to recruit new members the socially-distant way with these top tips.

Chapter Strategy

The Power of the Diamond

Sep 8, 2020

Throughout your DECA career, you’ll wear the blazer, throw up a DECA diamond symbol and add lots of blue to your wardrobe. You will also undoubtedly hear DECA’s core values and mission statement more times than you can count. But have you ever stopped to think about what they really mean?

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Investing Money at a Bank

Oct 11, 2021

You are to assume the roles of the investment manager and investment specialist at Cross Town Bank. You will be meeting with a customer to discuss options for investing in order to earn a return.

Chapter Strategy

3 Ways to Celebrate a DECA Halloween

Oct 7, 2021

Halloween is right around the corner, and what better way to spend the Halloween season than doing it DECA style! Here are three ways you can celebrate Halloween the DECA way.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Credit Card Ethics in the Workplace

Oct 4, 2021

You are to assume the roles of the human resources director and the operations director at Braxton Productions,. The president has asked you to determine if an employee’s actions are ethical, how to respond, and how to communicate any changes in processes to staff.


How to Best Prepare for Your Next Role-play

Oct 4, 2021

With competition season fast approaching, the number one thing on many competitors’ minds is the thought of how they can crush their role-play in front of their judges. Unfortunately, there is no magical hack to make your presentations better but these tips should definitely help!

Chapter Strategy

10 Things You May Not Know About DECA Direct Online

Oct 2, 2021

How well do you know DECA Direct Online? Check out these ten cool features to help you get the most out of the site.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Helping Teens with Financial Goals

Sep 27, 2021

You are to assume the role of a financial counselor that works with teenagers. You will be meeting with a client to discuss a personal spending plan that will help meet the client’s financial goals.

Chapter Strategy

3 Ways to Make New DECA Members Feel Welcome

Sep 27, 2021

Joining DECA can be a rewarding experience for members who decide to get involved. However, just because someone registers as a member, doesn’t mean they automatically start taking advantage of all that DECA has to offer.


Your Guide to Exploring Austin During Collegiate DECA's Engage Conference

Sep 27, 2021

The Texas Collegiate DECA officers have put together a list of local favorites for Collegiate DECA members to check out while in Austin for Engage this November.


3 Ways to Sharpen Your Leadership Decision-making Skills

Sep 20, 2021

Have you recently taken on a new leadership position? While many perks come with the role, more responsibility often means increased pressure to make the best possible decisions.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Market Research Needed for Wild Fair Amusement Park

Sep 20, 2021

You are the director of community relations for Jumbo Entertainment, a company that owns and operates two amusement parks.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: How to Best Invest Resources in a Successful Start-up

Sep 13, 2021

You are the partner of an entrepreneur that started Gleam, a mobile app that provides car washing services at customers’ homes or places of work. The entrepreneur is unsure how to best use the additional funding.

Chapter Strategy

Maximizing Your Leadership Passport

Sep 8, 2021

Collegiate DECA’s Leadership Passport Program is your one-way ticket to Maximize your Momentum this year! The recipients of these awards will receive recognition during the International Career and Development Conference.