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DECA Honors 2019-2020 Top Leaders, Advisors, Chapters and Associations

Mar 31, 2020

DECA is proud to announce the chapters, associations and individuals who have earned high honors for serving an exceptional number of members, advisors, alumni and business partners.


Presentation Anxiety and How to Overcome It

Mar 26, 2020

You hear the words “presentation” and immediately your heart starts to race. We’ve all been there right? Most of us need a bit more training on calming those fears when presenting to a room of people. You are not alone in this fear and we are here to help ease the presentation anxiety.


Jacklyn J. Schiller Receives DECA Honorary Life Membership

Mar 20, 2020

Jacklyn J. Schiller has spent more than 30 years providing exemplary activities for career and technical students and educators through her leadership as the Minnesota DECA Chartered Association Advisor. She began her involvement with DECA as a collegiate member in 1982 and eventually served as the 1984-1985 National President for Delta Epsilon Chi.


Dr. Brenda Clark Awarded DECA Honorary Life Membership

Mar 20, 2020

A lifelong educator, Dr. Brenda Clark, EdD, began her service as a DECA advisor in 1982 and spent nearly 40 years serving as a marketing teacher, school-to-work coordinator, career and technical director, professional development director and an educational association executive.


DECA Inc. Honors 2020 Outstanding Service Award Recipients

Mar 20, 2020

DECA Inc. congratulates two recipients of the DECA Inc. Outstanding Service Award, one of DECA’s most prestigious recognitions - Karen Brettingen from Minnesota and Linda Smith of Georgia.


Creating Goals: Strategies to Get Where You Want to Go

Mar 19, 2020

Let’s talk goals! Often times, at the start of a project or the start of a new year, you may create goals for yourself. As time passes, you realize you have not completed hardly any of the goals you set out to accomplish. It’s safe to say we have all probably been here.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Mar 17, 2020

The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Issue is your go-to guide for career previews, trends, best practices and behind-the-scenes looks at this popular and adrenaline-filled industry 

Career Insights

Career Preview: Top Roles in Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Mar 17, 2020

Sports & Entertainment Marketing (SEM) is where your favorite past-times and your professional interests collide. Not sure what the career paths in SEM really look like? Read on for a preview of some top careers in this exciting industry.

Career Insights

Go for the Marketing Gold

Mar 17, 2020

When thinking of sports marketing, the Olympic Games are a prime example of what to look toward. The international sporting event is a household name that brings in billions of viewers. In 2016, the Olympic Games captured half of the world’s population in viewing the event!

Career Insights

What Happens Backstage at the Opry?

Mar 17, 2020

Opry member Garth Brooks once said “the real show is backstage” at the Opry, where a team of passionate staff members help make the 94-year-old show come to life every night. So, what does it take to raise that red curtain every night?

Career Insights

Experiential Marketing: When Brands Become the Entertainment

Mar 17, 2020

Part branding, part entertainment, experiential marketing is finding its way into the marketing plans of more and more top brands. Read on to find out exactly what this type of marketing is, why brands love it and how to make it part of your future marketing career. 

Career Insights

A World Beyond Imagination

Mar 17, 2020

The success of Disney’s parks is no accident. With over 170,000 employees and 12 parks around the world, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products has consistently dominated the market while ensuring the ultimate customer experience. Here are the top five ways Disney Parks continue to rule the industry.

College Success

10 Tips for Back to School

Sep 22, 2020

As the new school year begins, we must all learn to adapt to a new world. We'll encounter many online classes, virtual events and new guidelines for campus... To help you navigate it all, here is a list of ten tips for starting this school year strong.

Chapter Strategy

Quick Guide to Virtual Chapter Meetings

Sep 22, 2020

Virtual meeting platforms have become a prominent form of communication between family, friends and businesses and many of these tools are here to stay. Being prepared to host or participate in a virtual meeting will allow you to stand out and make a great impression.

Chapter Strategy

3 Fundraising Ideas for Fall

Sep 22, 2020

It seems that in every facet of DECA, fundraising is a necessity. During these unique times, it's important to innovate to ensure your chapter can participate in events and remain secure for the future. Here are three virtual fundraisers to try this fall.

Chapter Strategy

5 Ways Collegiate DECA Will Take You to the Next Level

Sep 22, 2020

It's official, the school year is underway. While things will look different, there are still many ways to take yourself and your Collegiate DECA chapter to the next level!


Video Call Tips and Tricks

Sep 10, 2020

Practically overnight, video calls have become a new societal norm. This guide will provide you with a few tips and useful tricks to help improve your online learning or telecommuting experience.


A Quick Guide to Understanding Servant Leadership

Sep 8, 2020

The concept of leadership has been around since the days of Aristotle and Plato and has evolved countless times throughout the centuries. But in 1970, a new theory emerged. Developed by Robert Greenleaf, servant leadership is the idea that empowered leaders serve their followers and to enable them to live and work to their full potential.


The Ethics of Leadership

Sep 8, 2020

Ethical leaders exist in all walks of life. They are the individuals who step forward when crises occur, come to the rescue of others and generally do what's right—no matter what. Anyone can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? In today's high-visibility, social world, more people are taking note of leaders’ behavior and holding them accountable.


DECA Direct Magazine: Next Level Leadership

Sep 8, 2020

A new school year brings new chances to elevate your leadership to the next level. Discover fresh ideas to enhance your chapter and become a leader worth following in your school, community and beyond.


The Next Level is Inclusion

Sep 8, 2020

It has never been more important for emerging leaders to be characterized by teamwork, innovation, competency and integrity. Fortunately, those are the valued characteristics of DECA’s student leaders. What if this moment needs you and the unique values that drive your leadership?

Chapter Strategy

Top Tips for Socially-distant Membership Recruitment

Sep 8, 2020

Building your chapter’s membership is one of the most important ways to set it up for success in the new school year. But what are the best ways to recruit within the “new normal” of more virtual interactions and less in-person activities? Learn how to recruit new members the socially-distant way with these top tips.

Chapter Strategy

The Power of the Diamond

Sep 8, 2020

Throughout your DECA career, you’ll wear the blazer, throw up a DECA diamond symbol and add lots of blue to your wardrobe. You will also undoubtedly hear DECA’s core values and mission statement more times than you can count. But have you ever stopped to think about what they really mean?

Chapter Strategy

Cultivate Your Chapter’s Culture

Sep 8, 2020

2020 is a year that has changed all of our lives. If your DECA chapter has experienced a decline in recent months, struggling to cope with virtual meetings and maintain engagement, your chapter culture may need a boost.