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3 Books to Boost Your Leadership

Apr 2, 2020

Many correlations have been drawn between those who read and those who lead. Here are three of my favorite leadership-oriented books to help occupy your time.


DECA Honors 2019-2020 Top Leaders, Advisors, Chapters and Associations

Mar 31, 2020

DECA is proud to announce the chapters, associations and individuals who have earned high honors for serving an exceptional number of members, advisors, alumni and business partners.


Presentation Anxiety and How to Overcome It

Mar 26, 2020

You hear the words “presentation” and immediately your heart starts to race. We’ve all been there right? Most of us need a bit more training on calming those fears when presenting to a room of people. You are not alone in this fear and we are here to help ease the presentation anxiety.


Jacklyn J. Schiller Receives DECA Honorary Life Membership

Mar 20, 2020

Jacklyn J. Schiller has spent more than 30 years providing exemplary activities for career and technical students and educators through her leadership as the Minnesota DECA Chartered Association Advisor. She began her involvement with DECA as a collegiate member in 1982 and eventually served as the 1984-1985 National President for Delta Epsilon Chi.


Dr. Brenda Clark Awarded DECA Honorary Life Membership

Mar 20, 2020

A lifelong educator, Dr. Brenda Clark, EdD, began her service as a DECA advisor in 1982 and spent nearly 40 years serving as a marketing teacher, school-to-work coordinator, career and technical director, professional development director and an educational association executive.


DECA Inc. Honors 2020 Outstanding Service Award Recipients

Mar 20, 2020

DECA Inc. congratulates two recipients of the DECA Inc. Outstanding Service Award, one of DECA’s most prestigious recognitions - Karen Brettingen from Minnesota and Linda Smith of Georgia.


Creating Goals: Strategies to Get Where You Want to Go

Mar 19, 2020

Let’s talk goals! Often times, at the start of a project or the start of a new year, you may create goals for yourself. As time passes, you realize you have not completed hardly any of the goals you set out to accomplish. It’s safe to say we have all probably been here.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Mar 17, 2020

The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Issue is your go-to guide for career previews, trends, best practices and behind-the-scenes looks at this popular and adrenaline-filled industry 

Career Insights

Career Preview: Top Roles in Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Mar 17, 2020

Sports & Entertainment Marketing (SEM) is where your favorite past-times and your professional interests collide. Not sure what the career paths in SEM really look like? Read on for a preview of some top careers in this exciting industry.

Career Insights

Go for the Marketing Gold

Mar 17, 2020

When thinking of sports marketing, the Olympic Games are a prime example of what to look toward. The international sporting event is a household name that brings in billions of viewers. In 2016, the Olympic Games captured half of the world’s population in viewing the event!

Career Insights

What Happens Backstage at the Opry?

Mar 17, 2020

Opry member Garth Brooks once said “the real show is backstage” at the Opry, where a team of passionate staff members help make the 94-year-old show come to life every night. So, what does it take to raise that red curtain every night?

Career Insights

Experiential Marketing: When Brands Become the Entertainment

Mar 17, 2020

Part branding, part entertainment, experiential marketing is finding its way into the marketing plans of more and more top brands. Read on to find out exactly what this type of marketing is, why brands love it and how to make it part of your future marketing career. 


Collegiate DECA 2017-2018 Stock Market Game Session 2 Top Competitors

May 8, 2018

After three months of competition, Collegiate DECA congratulates the top teams who participated in Session 2 of the competition. Rankings are based on percentage growth against the S&P 500, not equity (learn more about the S&P 500 here).


Collegiate DECA's 2017-2018 Recognition Award Winners

Apr 3, 2018

Congratulations to the 2017-2018 Collegiate DECA Recognition Award winners!


Collegiate DECA 2017-2018 Leadership Passport Program Recipients

Apr 2, 2018

Congratulations to the chapters and individuals who completed the 2017-2018 Collegiate DECA Leadership Passport Program.


DECA Scholarship Recipients 2017-2018

Mar 20, 2018

DECA is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 scholarship recipients. Each year, DECA and its corporate partners award over $300,000 in scholarship to DECA members.


DECA Direct Magazine: Prepare for the Real World

Mar 1, 2018

Whether you're about to graduate high school and begin your journey into college, or are saying goodbye to your collegiate years and are looking towards starting your career, this issue has the tips and best practice you need to know to achieve #Limitless success in the real world.


5 Things to Help You Prep for Your Prepared Event

Feb 6, 2018

Association conferences are right around the corner for DECA members everywhere, and while some members are not too worried about getting ready, others may have already started stressing out.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Food and Hospitality

Jan 18, 2018

This issue takes you inside the hospitality industry to discover the vast opportunities available to DECA members. Plus, we have an exclusive interview with two former Utah DECA members who were recently featured on Shark Tank for their creative solution to traditional wedding bands.


Top Competition Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

Nov 21, 2017

Let’s face it, DECA has a lot to offer, but competition is what most DECA members look forward to. Dedicated DECA members will start studying and practicing for their competitive event months in advance.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Tech Trends

Nov 20, 2017

This issue features articles from colleges and companies exploring the topic of virtual reality technology and how it's changing the way business is done, jobs are created and consumers are shopping.


5 Ways to Spice Up Your Competition Prep Routine

Oct 26, 2017

The quest for DECA glass is long and daunting, and sometimes it can get pretty tedious. Here are some ideas to help spice up your normal study routine.


DECA Direct Magazine: Limitless

Sep 3, 2017

This issue features an the #Limitless Year Quiz that you can take to find a perfectly tailored list of DECA conferences, programs, challenges and activities you can participate in this year that relate to your own career interest.