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DECA's 2020 Emerging Leader Honor Award Recipients

Mar 3, 2020

Congratulations to the 2019-2020 recipients of DECA's Emerging Leader Honor Award recognizing members who have been involved at the local, chartered association and DECA Inc. levels.


5 Task Management Tips to Skyrocket Your Productivity

Feb 10, 2020

Task management is important because it helps you be more productive. Sure enough, when you’re more organized and spend a little time planning, you’re able to accomplish much more. Here are some of my favorite tips!


2020-2021 DECA Virtual Business Challenge Round 2 ICDC Qualifiers

Feb 10, 2020

DECA congratulates finalist teams in the second round of the 2020-2021 Virtual Business Challenge (VBC).


2019-2020 DECA Virtual Business Challenge Round 2 ICDC Qualifiers

Feb 10, 2020

DECA congratulates finalist teams in the second round of the 2019-2020 Virtual Business Challenge (VBC). They have earned the opportunity to compete at the DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC) this spring in Nashville, Tennessee.

Chapter Strategy

Partner with Purpose: Developing Partnerships for a Stronger DECA

Feb 8, 2020

For your DECA chapter or association to thrive, it is valuable to find individuals or organizations that can help you achieve your mission and goals. Forming partnerships allows multiple groups to receive benefits while also contributing to the greater good of their respective markets.


DECA's 2020 Certified School-based Enterprises

Feb 7, 2020

Congratulations to the DECA School-based Enterprises (SBEs) that earned a 2020 Chapter Certification! The SBE Chapter Certification program continues to grow each year. This year the project experienced an 8% increase in participation with 560 entries received.


Chatham Charter DECA's 3 Keys to Membership Success

Feb 6, 2020

Chatham Charter, a high school of 200 students, has a DECA chapter with 60 paid members - over one-fourth of the student body! However, these astonishing numbers didn't happen on their own. I'm going to share with you our three main tactics for membership campaign success.

College Success

How to Choose Your College Major in One Hour or Less

Feb 4, 2020

Many high school students agonize over which major they should choose. But, laboring over a decision and making the decision are two different tasks. Which means you’re making more work for yourself! Use this simple how-to guide for you to choose your college major in one hour or less.

Chapter Strategy

Tell Your DECA Story in 4 Easy Steps

Feb 3, 2020

The next opportunity to advocate for DECA is here as February is Career and Technical Education Month®! During this month we will raise awareness and celebrate the value of Career Technical Education (CTE) and the accomplishments of DECA members around the globe!

Chapter Strategy

CTE Lingo: Key Terms to Know

Feb 2, 2020

It's Career and Technical Education Month® and you may suddenly find your social media feed full of new terms and acronyms. Don't get overwhelmed! Here are the top terms you need to know to be part of the #CTEMonth conversation and help advocate for DECA and career and technical education.


Rock the DECA Exam

Jan 30, 2020

It’s competition season! While this can be a nerve-racking time, it is also an excellent opportunity to fine-tune your skills. I know one thing that I consistently struggled with when competing was the exam requirement for many events. Here's what I've learned.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Finance

Jan 28, 2020

The Finance Issue will help you take your finance game to the next level. From saving and investing to budgeting and fundraising, you'll find it here. The issue also features resources and ideas to help your chapter prepare for Career and Technical Education Month® in February.

Career Insights

Pursue Your Profession

Apr 1, 2023

If you’re graduating and searching for what’s next, consider a career in residential property management. The RPM industry is hiring talented, creative and passionate people to help provide homes and create communities for 44 million Americans.

Career Insights

Understanding Credit Cards

Apr 1, 2023

Getting a credit card can seem magical—you can buy the things you want without needing cash. But if you don’t manage them correctly, credit cards can make your money disappear.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Funding Options for Small Businesses

Mar 27, 2023

Step into the role of the owner of Mobile Jewels, an online company that sells accessories for mobile phones. You were able to start the company with your savings and have used it for purchasing supplies, tools, packaging, and a lease on a small workspace. 


Congratulations to DECA's 2022-2023 Scholarship Recipients

Mar 21, 2023

DECA is pleased to announce the 2022-2023 scholarship recipients. Each year, DECA and its corporate partners award over $200,000 in scholarships to DECA members. Congratulations to this year’s recipients!

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: The Need for an Accountant

Mar 20, 2023

Step into the role of a staff accountant working at Financial Business Solutions, a financial service provider for businesses and organizations in the community. A potential client is meeting with you to determine if services are needed. 

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Expanding Clientele with New Products and Services

Mar 13, 2023

Step into the role of the general manager at Keys & Strings, a local business that provides private string instrument and piano lessons along with various instructional books and sheet music. The owner of the business has asked you to identify additional products and/or services the business can offer that would build clientele and demonstrate how to effectively market the new offerings.


Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Leadership Passport Recipients

Mar 6, 2023

Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Collegiate DECA Leadership Passport Program recipients! The Collegiate DECA Leadership Passport Program encourages associations, chapters and individual members to plan activities and participate in events that enhance the experiences of members.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Customers Overstaying Their Welcome

Mar 6, 2023

Step into the role of general manager and shift supervisor at Family Kitchen, a local family restaurant that is open 24-hours. The owner of the restaurant has asked you to analyze a new restaurant policy, determine if it is ethical, and provide a response. 

Career Insights

Utilizing Your Strengths and Your Weaknesses

Mar 2, 2023

You may be asked about your greatest strength and weakness in many job interviews. It’s easy to know what we’re good at, but how do we portray our weaknesses positively and compellingly? Use this information to help boost your interview skills!


Advice from DECA Competitive Event Judges

Mar 1, 2023

This April, DECA members participating in the competitive events program will appear before a volunteer judge to present on current business trends in various events and formats. In this article, hear from two of our dedicated volunteer judges as they provide insight on their experience serving the past 20+ years.

Career Insights

Super Bowl Commercials: Spiraling Towards the End Zone or Spiraling Out of Control

Feb 27, 2023

Costing an astounding $7 million for 30 seconds, Super Bowl commercials either fascinate or flop in front of over 113 million viewers. These commercials are the epitome of strategic marketing.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Methods to Market an Inconvenient Location

Feb 27, 2023

Step into the role of the marketing director for Ricardo’s, a mid-priced restaurant with 10 locations. The owner of Ricardo’s has asked you to develop a marketing plan that will build a new location’s local clientele, given its unique location.