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DECA's 2020 Certified School-based Enterprises

Feb 7, 2020

Congratulations to the DECA School-based Enterprises (SBEs) that earned a 2020 Chapter Certification! The SBE Chapter Certification program continues to grow each year. This year the project experienced an 8% increase in participation with 560 entries received.


Chatham Charter DECA's 3 Keys to Membership Success

Feb 6, 2020

Chatham Charter, a high school of 200 students, has a DECA chapter with 60 paid members - over one-fourth of the student body! However, these astonishing numbers didn't happen on their own. I'm going to share with you our three main tactics for membership campaign success.

College Success

How to Choose Your College Major in One Hour or Less

Feb 4, 2020

Many high school students agonize over which major they should choose. But, laboring over a decision and making the decision are two different tasks. Which means you’re making more work for yourself! Use this simple how-to guide for you to choose your college major in one hour or less.

Chapter Strategy

Tell Your DECA Story in 4 Easy Steps

Feb 3, 2020

The next opportunity to advocate for DECA is here as February is Career and Technical Education Month®! During this month we will raise awareness and celebrate the value of Career Technical Education (CTE) and the accomplishments of DECA members around the globe!

Chapter Strategy

CTE Lingo: Key Terms to Know

Feb 2, 2020

It's Career and Technical Education Month® and you may suddenly find your social media feed full of new terms and acronyms. Don't get overwhelmed! Here are the top terms you need to know to be part of the #CTEMonth conversation and help advocate for DECA and career and technical education.


Rock the DECA Exam

Jan 30, 2020

It’s competition season! While this can be a nerve-racking time, it is also an excellent opportunity to fine-tune your skills. I know one thing that I consistently struggled with when competing was the exam requirement for many events. Here's what I've learned.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Finance

Jan 28, 2020

The Finance Issue will help you take your finance game to the next level. From saving and investing to budgeting and fundraising, you'll find it here. The issue also features resources and ideas to help your chapter prepare for Career and Technical Education Month® in February.


The Best Apps for Your #FinanceGoals

Jan 28, 2020

A new year means new resolutions, and there’s no better way to kick-off the new decade than taking charge of your financial future. Whether your financial goals this year include getting started with investing or simply creating your first budget, there’s an app for that!

Chapter Strategy

Fundraise Your Way to ICDC

Jan 28, 2020

Fundraising often gets a bad reputation for being too hard or not producing the desired outcome. However, by following the six keys to fundraising, you will soon find yourself with money to fund your chapter’s trip to ICDC.


Personal Finance 101

Jan 28, 2020

I’ll be honest… Money management is a skill that took me a long time to acquire. I used to be the type of person that would get lunch money from my parents and spend it all on Gushers from the cafeteria...


Money, Money, Money

Jan 28, 2020

DECA’s array of high school competitive events and learning programs provide DECA members an opportunity to learn about all aspects of finance – accounting, business finance, financial consulting, personal financial literacy, investments, capital and more.


DECA Stock Market Game 2020 ICDC Qualifiers

Jan 23, 2020

DECA Inc. is pleased to announce the 2020 DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC) qualifiers in the 2019-2020 DECA Stock Market Game, administered by the SIFMA Foundation.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Investing Money at a Bank

Oct 11, 2021

You are to assume the roles of the investment manager and investment specialist at Cross Town Bank. You will be meeting with a customer to discuss options for investing in order to earn a return.

Chapter Strategy

3 Ways to Celebrate a DECA Halloween

Oct 7, 2021

Halloween is right around the corner, and what better way to spend the Halloween season than doing it DECA style! Here are three ways you can celebrate Halloween the DECA way.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Credit Card Ethics in the Workplace

Oct 4, 2021

You are to assume the roles of the human resources director and the operations director at Braxton Productions,. The president has asked you to determine if an employee’s actions are ethical, how to respond, and how to communicate any changes in processes to staff.


How to Best Prepare for Your Next Role-play

Oct 4, 2021

With competition season fast approaching, the number one thing on many competitors’ minds is the thought of how they can crush their role-play in front of their judges. Unfortunately, there is no magical hack to make your presentations better but these tips should definitely help!

Chapter Strategy

10 Things You May Not Know About DECA Direct Online

Oct 2, 2021

How well do you know DECA Direct Online? Check out these ten cool features to help you get the most out of the site.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Helping Teens with Financial Goals

Sep 27, 2021

You are to assume the role of a financial counselor that works with teenagers. You will be meeting with a client to discuss a personal spending plan that will help meet the client’s financial goals.

Chapter Strategy

3 Ways to Make New DECA Members Feel Welcome

Sep 27, 2021

Joining DECA can be a rewarding experience for members who decide to get involved. However, just because someone registers as a member, doesn’t mean they automatically start taking advantage of all that DECA has to offer.


Your Guide to Exploring Austin During Collegiate DECA's Engage Conference

Sep 27, 2021

The Texas Collegiate DECA officers have put together a list of local favorites for Collegiate DECA members to check out while in Austin for Engage this November.


3 Ways to Sharpen Your Leadership Decision-making Skills

Sep 20, 2021

Have you recently taken on a new leadership position? While many perks come with the role, more responsibility often means increased pressure to make the best possible decisions.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Market Research Needed for Wild Fair Amusement Park

Sep 20, 2021

You are the director of community relations for Jumbo Entertainment, a company that owns and operates two amusement parks.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: How to Best Invest Resources in a Successful Start-up

Sep 13, 2021

You are the partner of an entrepreneur that started Gleam, a mobile app that provides car washing services at customers’ homes or places of work. The entrepreneur is unsure how to best use the additional funding.

Chapter Strategy

Maximizing Your Leadership Passport

Sep 8, 2021

Collegiate DECA’s Leadership Passport Program is your one-way ticket to Maximize your Momentum this year! The recipients of these awards will receive recognition during the International Career and Development Conference.