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DECA Stock Market Game 2020 ICDC Qualifiers

Jan 23, 2020

DECA Inc. is pleased to announce the 2020 DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC) qualifiers in the 2019-2020 DECA Stock Market Game, administered by the SIFMA Foundation.


DECA Idea Challenge 2019 Winning Teams

Jan 21, 2020

DECA Inc. is excited to announce this year’s DECA Idea Challenge global winners!

Chapter Strategy

6 Ways to Celebrate #CTEMonth

Jan 20, 2020

How can you celebrate CTE Month and show support for DECA and your school’s program? These are the six best ways you can help celebrate and advocate for support of CTE.

Career Insights

Ace the Interview

Jan 19, 2020

The prospect of sitting down in front of someone new and being put on the spot can be extremely intimidating and often leads to feelings of anxiety. However, the interview process doesn’t have to be something to fear. Follow the tips below to ace your next interview and leave an amazing impression!

Career Insights

Tips to Land the Job

Jan 18, 2020

Being a student balancing classwork, sports, clubs, etc. can be overwhelming at times. For most students, landing a job is a crucial moment in their life which can become aggravating when you don’t know how to apply or what is needed to get a job. Here are some tips that have helped me in the past.

Career Insights

101 Interview Tips to Ace Your Next Interview

Jan 17, 2020

Do you have an important interview coming up? This guide of 101 interview tips is sure to help you ace that interview!


2019-2020 Chapter Campaign Winners Announced

Jan 6, 2020

Congratulations to the chapters who took this year’s theme #HereWeGo by storm and participated in chapter campaigns!


How to Guarantee Your New Year’s Resolutions Come True

Jan 1, 2020

People are great at setting New Year’s resolutions, but not so great at following through with them. So, how do you guarantee that your New Year’s resolutions come true?

Career Insights

DECA Talks: Embracing the Interconnectivity Evolution

Dec 11, 2019

In an evolving and interconnected world, our daily lives — from home, to school, to work — continue to change with the latest piece of technology or the newest trends. So, how can we capitalize on connections we make in college and careers?


DECA Talks: Conquering Catastrophe

Dec 11, 2019

All students wish to find a place of belonging, hope and support. Learn how DECA became that place for our High School Division President, and how it continues to be that place for thousands around the globe!


DECA Talks: The Lying King

Dec 11, 2019

Power. Privilege. Race. Identity. Gender. Sexual Orientation. Class. Illuminating our various complexities as individuals, we can recognize ways that we can use our privileges individually and collectively – but only if we are honest and open with ourselves.


DECA Talks: The Journey from Independence to Guidance

Dec 11, 2019

Throughout my life, I have turned to advisors, counselors, coaches and friends/family to seek opportunities to learn and develop in my professional life. This talk will discuss the teachings I’ve learned independently and from the guidance of others.


Finding Your DECA Competition Soul Mate

Sep 15, 2016

It’s the beginning of the year and competition season is just around the corner. Deciding on which role-play or written project to choose may largely depend on who you wish to compete with, but before you go full throttle with your first pick, make sure to weigh out the strengths and weaknesses that your potential team may have.


4 Skills for Effective Teamwork

Jul 8, 2016

If you are athletic and grew up playing a lot of organized sports, or if you were involved in your school’s student council or theater productions, you already may be very familiar with group dynamics and working on a team; however, if you didn’t, working on a team may be somewhat new to you.


DECA Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016

Mar 18, 2016

Congratulations to these EPIC members!


Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016

Mar 17, 2016

Congratulations to these EPIC Collegiate DECA members!


4 Presentation Tips to Help Your Wow Your Judge

Mar 1, 2016

The difference between a good case study presentation and a great case study presentation is the delivery of the content you’ve created.


Tips for Taking DECA Exams

Jan 25, 2016

Doing well on the exam not only means you could make it on stage at your association conference, but you could also move on to the International Career Development Conference! Follow these three steps to do your best!


5 Tips for Taking On the DECA Competition

May 6, 2015

Hear how one member took advantage of their ICDC experience to gather competition tips from other international competitors.


Competition Tips from ICDC Qualifiers

Apr 7, 2015

Ever wondered how students who compete at ICDC do so well and make it to the international conference? We took to the halls of ICDC to find out! Here are some inside tips from competitors on how to best prepare for competition and make it to ICDC!


Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015

Mar 23, 2015

Congratulations to this year's Collegiate DECA scholarship recipients.


3 Things to Think About When Prepping for Competition

Dec 3, 2012

The unique ideas and presentations that each student brings to the competition keep me coming back to judge. Judges take great pride in witnessing the time and dedication DECA members invest in bettering themselves outside the classroom.


6 Steps to Team Competition Excellence

Feb 11, 2011

As we gear up for another year of DECA competitions some, teams are coming together for the first time while others are trying to work the kinks out from last year. When you’re competing as a team at DECA there are some key steps you’ll want to take to reach excellence.