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Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Positive Working Relationships While Restructuring

Jan 30, 2023

Step into the role of the director of human resources at Ideal Technologies, a technology consulting firm with 100 employees. The president of the company has notified you of the upcoming restructuring of the company and wants you to suggest methods to prevent issues that may arise when the restructuring is announced. 


Running for a Leadership Position

Jan 27, 2023

Leadership in DECA is an incredible opportunity that allows you to travel, connect and make a difference for years to come. However, it takes courage to be able to prove to both peers and strangers that you are the right person for the position. Whether it’s chapter, association or even executive office, here are the 3 top campaigning tips!

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Dealing with Online Scams in the Travel Industry

Jan 23, 2023

Step into the role of the chief communications officer and director of customer relations for Journey, a travel booking website that provides airline and train ticketing, car rental services, and other travel needs. The CEO of the company wants you to develop a plan that will communicate a customer service scam to customers and Journey employees.

Chapter Strategy

Celebrating CTE® Month from Home

Jan 20, 2023

This February, celebrate your CTE experiences and invite others to join the fun with these four tips on bringing awareness to all the excellent CTE opportunities awaiting.


Standout Creatively in Prepared Events

Jan 19, 2023

Top-tier DECA competitors know to hit all the competition event indicators, but it’s those little touches that elevate a well-prepared presentation to a DECA glass-winning presentation. Color, typography, layout and that perfect personal touch are your secret weapons.


Congratulations to the DECA Ethical Leadership Challenge 2022-2023 Winners

Jan 17, 2023

Congratulations to the winning teams in the DECA Ethical Leadership Challenge for 2022-2023!

Career Insights

Interview with a CEO

Jan 16, 2023

In this interview, Lead4Change sat down with Tim Schurrer, CEO of David Novak Leadership Inc., to learn more about his career journey, "secret sauce" and future goals.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Mitigating Fraud

Jan 16, 2023

Step into the role of fraud manager for Edson National Bank (ENB). The director of the fraud department wants you to develop a training plan for new employees regarding credit card fraud.


Crush Your Goals

Jan 13, 2023

People like to rattle off the phrase "follow your dreams", but don’t typically tell us how to do so. Here are three tips for setting goals and keeping up with them, to help you make your dreams come true!


So, You’re Thinking of Running for Executive Office

Jan 11, 2023

Have you thought about running for Executive Office? In this role, you can network, collaborate and lead with members of DECA from around the world! Running for a position on the Executive Officer Team is not an easy task, but it is more than rewarding.


Congratulations to the DECA Stock Market Game 2023 ICDC Qualifiers

Jan 9, 2023

DECA Inc. is pleased to announce the 2023 ICDC qualifiers in the DECA Stock Market Game, administered by the SIFMA Foundation.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Turning an Exercise Brand into a Lifestyle Brand

Jan 9, 2023

Step into the role of director of brand management for Exertion, a company that produces luxury stationary bicycles and treadmills that allows users to stream classes for the company’s fitness studio via monthly subscription. The director of marketing wants the company to broaden into a lifestyle brand.


4 Presentation Tips to Help Your Wow Your Judge

Mar 1, 2016

The difference between a good case study presentation and a great case study presentation is the delivery of the content you’ve created.


Tips for Taking DECA Exams

Jan 25, 2016

Doing well on the exam not only means you could make it on stage at your association conference, but you could also move on to the International Career Development Conference! Follow these three steps to do your best!


5 Tips for Taking On the DECA Competition

May 6, 2015

Hear how one member took advantage of their ICDC experience to gather competition tips from other international competitors.


Competition Tips from ICDC Qualifiers

Apr 7, 2015

Ever wondered how students who compete at ICDC do so well and make it to the international conference? We took to the halls of ICDC to find out! Here are some inside tips from competitors on how to best prepare for competition and make it to ICDC!


Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015

Mar 23, 2015

Congratulations to this year's Collegiate DECA scholarship recipients.


3 Things to Think About When Prepping for Competition

Dec 3, 2012

The unique ideas and presentations that each student brings to the competition keep me coming back to judge. Judges take great pride in witnessing the time and dedication DECA members invest in bettering themselves outside the classroom.


6 Steps to Team Competition Excellence

Feb 11, 2011

As we gear up for another year of DECA competitions some, teams are coming together for the first time while others are trying to work the kinks out from last year. When you’re competing as a team at DECA there are some key steps you’ll want to take to reach excellence.