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Blacksburg DECA's September Soiree Is a Success
In early September, Blacksburg DECA hosted its first annual "September Soiree" for potential members, including current marketing students and students enrolled in a marketing class next semester.
Case Study of the Week: Peacocks on Board?
Step into the role of customer relations at Star Crest Airlines. Star Crest Airlines offers over 900 domestic flights daily and prides itself on its number one ranked customer service.
Accepting Differences: Adding LGBTQ+ Inclusivity into Your Leadership Style
Tuesday, October 11, is National Coming Out Day. To many, this may be just an ordinary Tuesday, but for LGBTQ+ individuals, this is a day of celebration for being yourself—no matter how you identify. This article is the perfect stepping stone to help educate yourself and get the edge in an inclusive leadership style!
Get the Edge on Your Personal Essay
Around this time of the year, thousands of seniors panic and stress over their personal essays with the hopes of getting into amazing universities. Having been through the process myself, here are a few tips I have received that can help you enhance your story and put your best foot forward in the application process!
DECA Announces a New Partnership with Chick-fil-A
DECA is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Chick-fil-A! The partnership will focus on connecting local Chick-fil-A Operators with DECA chapter advisors, DECA members and chartered associations
Case Study of the Week: In-house Wellness Opportunities
Step into the role of director of human resources for Mitchem Designs, a small graphic design firm. The owner of the company has asked you to recommend low-cost options for an in-house employee wellness program.
An Advisor's Perspective: The Benefits of Operating an SBE
Operating a School-based Enterprise (SBE) can be an enormously rewarding experience and offers a great opportunity for DECA members to learn practical business skills and prepares them for college and careers.
North Paulding DECA's Annual Tailgate Recruitment Social
What is a social? A social is where NPHS DECA as a chapter, gets together outside of school hours for an interactive activity/game planned by our officer team. This is a great way for our chapter to come together and create a lasting memory!
5 Steps to Start a School-based Enterprise
School-based enterprises (SBEs) are effective educational tools to prepare students for college and career readiness. Are you ready to get started? Follow these five steps to bring an SBE to your school.
Syosset DECA Gets the Edge with Massive Membership Growth
Syosset experiences a 75% increase in membership, making them one of the largest chapters in New York. They are preparing for competition and can’t wait to Get the Edge!
Top 5 Leadership Podcasts to Listen to this International Podcast Day
As emerging leaders, we’re always looking for new ways to learn and grow into our leadership styles. These are five podcasts that I have gathered through my own listening or that other DECA leaders have recommended to me.
Case Study of the Week: What is Accrual-based Accounting?
Step into the role of an associate accountant hired by the owner of Locally Picked, LLC., a small business that sells fresh locally grown fruits, vegetables and honey. The owner needs you to explain accrual basis accounting.
3 Tips to Consider for Your Written Event Project
Although written events are long and hard to prepare for, the hard work definitely pays off in the end! Here are some tips to ace your written event in anticipation of #DECAICDC.
6 Easy Ways to Engage Your Audience for a Better Presentation
If you’ve ever been nervous in front of an audience, you’ll know how much of a difference it makes when you can get the crowd engaged right from the start.
10 Ways to Put the Unity in Your CommUNITY Service Campaign
Community service is an amazing experience that allows us to leave our mark on the world, but getting other high school students involved can sometimes be difficult. Here's how to make it happen!
Finding Your DECA Competition Soul Mate
It’s the beginning of the year and competition season is just around the corner. Deciding on which role-play or written project to choose may largely depend on who you wish to compete with, but before you go full throttle with your first pick, make sure to weigh out the strengths and weaknesses that your potential team may have.
4 Skills for Effective Teamwork
If you are athletic and grew up playing a lot of organized sports, or if you were involved in your school’s student council or theater productions, you already may be very familiar with group dynamics and working on a team; however, if you didn’t, working on a team may be somewhat new to you.
Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016
Congratulations to these EPIC Collegiate DECA members!
4 Presentation Tips to Help Your Wow Your Judge
The difference between a good case study presentation and a great case study presentation is the delivery of the content you’ve created.
Tips for Taking DECA Exams
Doing well on the exam not only means you could make it on stage at your association conference, but you could also move on to the International Career Development Conference! Follow these three steps to do your best!
5 Tips for Taking On the DECA Competition
Hear how one member took advantage of their ICDC experience to gather competition tips from other international competitors.
Competition Tips from ICDC Qualifiers
Ever wondered how students who compete at ICDC do so well and make it to the international conference? We took to the halls of ICDC to find out! Here are some inside tips from competitors on how to best prepare for competition and make it to ICDC!
Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015
Congratulations to this year's Collegiate DECA scholarship recipients.