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Cultivate Your Chapter’s Culture
2020 is a year that has changed all of our lives. If your DECA chapter has experienced a decline in recent months, struggling to cope with virtual meetings and maintain engagement, your chapter culture may need a boost.
Discover Your DECA Leadership Style
There are hundreds of assessments to help you pinpoint your leadership traits, but the only one you need to take your leadership to the next level is the DECA Leadership Style Quiz.
Influence with Informal Leadership
While you may not have an official leadership title, you still have the ability to help take your chapter to the #NextLevel with your informal leadership influence. Read on to learn more about informal leadership and how you can use it to make this year a success for you and your chapter.
5 Tips for Your Freshman Year
Entering high school can be a nerve-wracking experience, but remember you're not alone! To help calm your nerves and ensure you start off on the right foot, follow these five tips for your freshman year.
DECA Members Raise $7,000 Through the MDA Muscle Corp Program
DECA members raised over $7,000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) this summer through the pilot MDA Muscle Corp Program. Twenty-one DECA members successfully completed the program and earned 40 hours of community service.
Mountain View High School Virtual Recruitment
Like for many chapters, this year’s DECA kickoff meeting was unique for Mountain View High School in Georgia. Even though the meeting was held through Zoom, the chapter still found a way to make it one of their best meetings yet.
How to Raise Your Membership to the #NextLevel
As we enter a new year, it's time to get excited about membership recruitment! We know this year is going to look different, so here are some tips for taking your recruitment efforts to the #NextLevel!
Watch Now: The 2020-2021 #NextLevel Membership Video
This is not just another year. This is the year we push our limits and set our sights higher than ever before. No matter what your dreams and goals for the future, propel yourself to the #NextLevel with DECA.
Establishing Your Target Market
The target market of your business is your ideal customer based on the product or services you are offering. Depending on the business, there may be more than one target market but it is important to establish your primary target market. In a School-based Enterprise, it might have teachers, parents, and students as your target market.
3 Reasons to Start a School-based Enterprise
Typically known as school stores, SBEs allow members to learn real-world marketing and business skills like selling, promotions and communication. Besides the personal benefits, here are three reasons to get started now!
5 Tips to Take Your LinkedIn to the Next Level
Are you new to the LinkedIn life, or maybe you're a highly experienced user? Either way, you can never know too many tips and tricks to guide you along the way. Read on for five tips that will help you make the most out of your experience and take your LinkedIn profile to the #NextLevel.
DECA Inc. Stands Against Racism in All Forms
We stand in solidarity with the Black communities – our members, alumni, partners and employees – in the fight against systemic racism and injustice.
Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016
Congratulations to these EPIC Collegiate DECA members!
4 Presentation Tips to Help Your Wow Your Judge
The difference between a good case study presentation and a great case study presentation is the delivery of the content you’ve created.
Tips for Taking DECA Exams
Doing well on the exam not only means you could make it on stage at your association conference, but you could also move on to the International Career Development Conference! Follow these three steps to do your best!
5 Tips for Taking On the DECA Competition
Hear how one member took advantage of their ICDC experience to gather competition tips from other international competitors.
Competition Tips from ICDC Qualifiers
Ever wondered how students who compete at ICDC do so well and make it to the international conference? We took to the halls of ICDC to find out! Here are some inside tips from competitors on how to best prepare for competition and make it to ICDC!
Collegiate DECA Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015
Congratulations to this year's Collegiate DECA scholarship recipients.
3 Things to Think About When Prepping for Competition
The unique ideas and presentations that each student brings to the competition keep me coming back to judge. Judges take great pride in witnessing the time and dedication DECA members invest in bettering themselves outside the classroom.
6 Steps to Team Competition Excellence
As we gear up for another year of DECA competitions some, teams are coming together for the first time while others are trying to work the kinks out from last year. When you’re competing as a team at DECA there are some key steps you’ll want to take to reach excellence.