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Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Marriott Foundation Curriculum Grant Recipients
Congratulations to the chapters selected to receive the VBC-DECA Hotel Challenge Curriculum Grant provided by the J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott Foundation. The curriculum grant will begin with the 2020-2021 school year and will continue for three years.
A Week of Joy for a Lifetime of Hope
Detroit Catholic Central DECA is thrilled to have raised $18,065 - the most in the nation - benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), granting a week of joy to so many children.
3 Books to Boost Your Leadership
Many correlations have been drawn between those who read and those who lead. Here are three of my favorite leadership-oriented books to help occupy your time.
DECA Honors 2019-2020 Top Leaders, Advisors, Chapters and Associations
DECA is proud to announce the chapters, associations and individuals who have earned high honors for serving an exceptional number of members, advisors, alumni and business partners.
Presentation Anxiety and How to Overcome It
You hear the words “presentation” and immediately your heart starts to race. We’ve all been there right? Most of us need a bit more training on calming those fears when presenting to a room of people. You are not alone in this fear and we are here to help ease the presentation anxiety.
Jacklyn J. Schiller Receives DECA Honorary Life Membership
Jacklyn J. Schiller has spent more than 30 years providing exemplary activities for career and technical students and educators through her leadership as the Minnesota DECA Chartered Association Advisor. She began her involvement with DECA as a collegiate member in 1982 and eventually served as the 1984-1985 National President for Delta Epsilon Chi.
Dr. Brenda Clark Awarded DECA Honorary Life Membership
A lifelong educator, Dr. Brenda Clark, EdD, began her service as a DECA advisor in 1982 and spent nearly 40 years serving as a marketing teacher, school-to-work coordinator, career and technical director, professional development director and an educational association executive.
DECA Inc. Honors 2020 Outstanding Service Award Recipients
DECA Inc. congratulates two recipients of the DECA Inc. Outstanding Service Award, one of DECA’s most prestigious recognitions - Karen Brettingen from Minnesota and Linda Smith of Georgia.
Creating Goals: Strategies to Get Where You Want to Go
Let’s talk goals! Often times, at the start of a project or the start of a new year, you may create goals for yourself. As time passes, you realize you have not completed hardly any of the goals you set out to accomplish. It’s safe to say we have all probably been here.
DECA Direct Magazine: Sports and Entertainment Marketing
The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Issue is your go-to guide for career previews, trends, best practices and behind-the-scenes looks at this popular and adrenaline-filled industry
Career Preview: Top Roles in Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Sports & Entertainment Marketing (SEM) is where your favorite past-times and your professional interests collide. Not sure what the career paths in SEM really look like? Read on for a preview of some top careers in this exciting industry.
DECA Announces a New Partnership with Chick-fil-A
DECA is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Chick-fil-A! The partnership will focus on connecting local Chick-fil-A Operators with DECA chapter advisors, DECA members and chartered associations
Case Study of the Week: In-house Wellness Opportunities
Step into the role of director of human resources for Mitchem Designs, a small graphic design firm. The owner of the company has asked you to recommend low-cost options for an in-house employee wellness program.
8 Top Tips to Ace the Career Fair
The career fair is your unique shop window and a perfect opportunity to launch your career. But they can be daunting, especially if you haven’t prepared properly. Here are eight top tips to ace the career fair, courtesy of Stephanie Ruiz, Head of Career Services at the international hospitality school Les Roches.
North Paulding DECA's Annual Tailgate Recruitment Social
What is a social? A social is where NPHS DECA as a chapter, gets together outside of school hours for an interactive activity/game planned by our officer team. This is a great way for our chapter to come together and create a lasting memory!
Syosset DECA Gets the Edge with Massive Membership Growth
Syosset experiences a 75% increase in membership, making them one of the largest chapters in New York. They are preparing for competition and can’t wait to Get the Edge!
Top 5 Leadership Podcasts to Listen to this International Podcast Day
As emerging leaders, we’re always looking for new ways to learn and grow into our leadership styles. These are five podcasts that I have gathered through my own listening or that other DECA leaders have recommended to me.
Case Study of the Week: What is Accrual-based Accounting?
Step into the role of an associate accountant hired by the owner of Locally Picked, LLC., a small business that sells fresh locally grown fruits, vegetables and honey. The owner needs you to explain accrual basis accounting.
Anderson Advisors and DECA Inc. Announce Partnership
Anderson Business Advisors partners with DECA to create scholarship and internship programs for emerging leaders and entrepreneurs.
Introducing "DECA at the Bell" by BusinessU
DECA has partnered with BusinessU to create a new role-play prep series! “DECA At The Bell” is an interactive, video-based series. Each video features two hosts who take something going on in the world of business and relate it back to DECA performance indicators.
Case Study of the Week: To Open or Not to Open... on Sundays
Step into the role of general manager at Johnson Family Elite, a local automobile dealership that sells both new and previously-owned Elite vehicles. The owner of the local dealership is considering a change to the days the business is open.
Case Study of the Week: Strategies to Better Market Services to the Male Customer Base
Step into the role of a successful entrepreneur that introduced the product Boldly to the market. Boldly is a boxed hair dye kit that is sold online direct-to-consumers.
Get the Edge with Membership: 5 Ways to Recruit Members for Your DECA Chapter
As the new school year begins, so does a new year for DECA, which means countless opportunities to recruit new members! Recruitment can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be impossible! Here are a few ideas to Get the Edge with your membership.