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A Week of Joy for a Lifetime of Hope

Apr 4, 2020

Detroit Catholic Central DECA is thrilled to have raised $18,065 - the most in the nation - benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), granting a week of joy to so many children.


3 Books to Boost Your Leadership

Apr 2, 2020

Many correlations have been drawn between those who read and those who lead. Here are three of my favorite leadership-oriented books to help occupy your time.


DECA Honors 2019-2020 Top Leaders, Advisors, Chapters and Associations

Mar 31, 2020

DECA is proud to announce the chapters, associations and individuals who have earned high honors for serving an exceptional number of members, advisors, alumni and business partners.


Presentation Anxiety and How to Overcome It

Mar 26, 2020

You hear the words “presentation” and immediately your heart starts to race. We’ve all been there right? Most of us need a bit more training on calming those fears when presenting to a room of people. You are not alone in this fear and we are here to help ease the presentation anxiety.


Jacklyn J. Schiller Receives DECA Honorary Life Membership

Mar 20, 2020

Jacklyn J. Schiller has spent more than 30 years providing exemplary activities for career and technical students and educators through her leadership as the Minnesota DECA Chartered Association Advisor. She began her involvement with DECA as a collegiate member in 1982 and eventually served as the 1984-1985 National President for Delta Epsilon Chi.


Dr. Brenda Clark Awarded DECA Honorary Life Membership

Mar 20, 2020

A lifelong educator, Dr. Brenda Clark, EdD, began her service as a DECA advisor in 1982 and spent nearly 40 years serving as a marketing teacher, school-to-work coordinator, career and technical director, professional development director and an educational association executive.


DECA Inc. Honors 2020 Outstanding Service Award Recipients

Mar 20, 2020

DECA Inc. congratulates two recipients of the DECA Inc. Outstanding Service Award, one of DECA’s most prestigious recognitions - Karen Brettingen from Minnesota and Linda Smith of Georgia.


Creating Goals: Strategies to Get Where You Want to Go

Mar 19, 2020

Let’s talk goals! Often times, at the start of a project or the start of a new year, you may create goals for yourself. As time passes, you realize you have not completed hardly any of the goals you set out to accomplish. It’s safe to say we have all probably been here.

Career Insights

DECA Direct Magazine: Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Mar 17, 2020

The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Issue is your go-to guide for career previews, trends, best practices and behind-the-scenes looks at this popular and adrenaline-filled industry 

Career Insights

Career Preview: Top Roles in Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Mar 17, 2020

Sports & Entertainment Marketing (SEM) is where your favorite past-times and your professional interests collide. Not sure what the career paths in SEM really look like? Read on for a preview of some top careers in this exciting industry.

Career Insights

Go for the Marketing Gold

Mar 17, 2020

When thinking of sports marketing, the Olympic Games are a prime example of what to look toward. The international sporting event is a household name that brings in billions of viewers. In 2016, the Olympic Games captured half of the world’s population in viewing the event!


Be Consistent with Core Values

Dec 12, 2022

The "Be Consistent with Core Values" episode features Steve Holmes, the Non-Executive Chairman of Wyndham Worldwide & Wyndham Destinations.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Declaring Dividends

Dec 12, 2022

Step into the role of the controller of a publicly traded company called, Textron, Inc. The vice president of finance will be presenting information to the board of directors and needs your input.


SCCC DECA Attends the New York Experience Conference

Dec 9, 2022

Students from SCCC DECA attended DECA's New York Experience for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to New York City. The trip was full of exciting learning experiences about different aspects of marketing, business, entrepreneurship, hospitality, and finance.


POB DECA Is Stronger Together

Dec 8, 2022

One amazing aspect of DECA is supporting  causes that positively impact the community and change the course of people's lives. Throughout the month of October POB DECA partnered with Stacy's Warriors, a local breast cancer charity, to raise over $9,000.


DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Industry Trends

Dec 6, 2022

College and career partners discuss the current and future industry forecasts as well as trends that are changing the landscape.


DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: College + Career Readiness

Dec 6, 2022

College and career partners discuss how we can master the DECA member experience by aligning with workforce needs, delivering real industry experience and developing skills necessary for college and career success.


DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Fueling the Talent Pipeline

Dec 6, 2022

College and career partners discuss how DECA and industry partners can work with educators to build a successful talent pipeline and utilize DECA members to fill voids within the workplace.


DECA’s Workforce Development Summit: Making a Difference

Dec 6, 2022

College and career partners worked to translate key findings into actionable objectives to continue the conversation and increase industry involvement with DECA.


Collegiate DECA 2022 Virtual Case Simulation Competition Winners

Dec 6, 2022

This year, 112 Collegiate DECA members participated in the Collegiate DECA Virtual Case Simulation competition, sponsored by long-time DECA partner, Knowledge Matters. Congratulations to the top three performers!

Career Insights

Preparing for Your Future Career Starts Today

Dec 5, 2022

During the Ultimate DECA Power Trip, the Executive Officer Team attended the first ever DECA Workforce Development Summit. Members of DECA’s National Advisory Board gathered to discuss the future of employment and industry across the business world.

Case Study of the Week

Case Study of the Week: Turning a Hobby into a Business

Dec 5, 2022

Step into the role of a small business consultant. You will meet with an entrepreneur to discuss the initial steps that must be completed or researched before the entrepreneur markets the new business.

Career Insights

Why Cross-cultural Fluency Is Among Today’s Most Sought-after Workplace Skills

Dec 1, 2022

As Head of Career Services at the international hospitality school Les Roches, Stephanie Ruiz has conversations every day with potential employers for students. She explains why these employers now place cross-cultural fluency among their most in-demand skills.