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Building an Innovative Community
Joining Collegiate DECA is a rewarding experience. From working in the community and leading critical aspects of the organization, to achieving competitive success and expanding your network, there is something for every level of the college experience.
How to Dominate with Color Psychology in Marketing
Color psychology is the study of how colors affect perceptions and behaviors in marketing and branding. If you have never heard of color psychology and how to best utilize it in marketing, read on!
Plan Your Next College Visit
As the world begins to return to normalcy, colleges are inviting you back onto campus for visits and tours! Check out this quick guide to make the best of your college visits!
School-based Enterprise Individual Certifications 2020-2021
Congratulations to the members who have earned individual certification through DECA's School-based Enterprise (SBE) Individual Certification Exam!
First Impressions in 7 Seconds
People often have a precise judgment of you in the first seven seconds after meeting you. Whether it's meeting a new classmate, a job interview or even interacting with your competitive event judge, find out how to make the most of your seven seconds!
3 Reasons to Continue Your DECA Journey in College
The high school Class of 2021 had their DECA careers capped with virtual competition and virtual ceremonies. Thankfully, their DECA journeys don’t have to end there. Collegiate DECA allows graduates to continue their careers.
How to Maximize Your Summer Job or Internship Experience
From bagging groceries to working with your dream company, many students choose to use their free time during the summer to get a job. Using these tips, you’ll be able to maximize the experience you receive from holding such a position.
5 Pieces of Advice from the DECA Class of 2021
This year’s graduating seniors are full of wisdom and are excited to share it with you! Be sure to maximize your momentum by following these great pieces of advice.
Congratulations to the 2021-2022 Marriott Foundation Curriculum Grant Recipients
Congratulations to the following chapters selected to receive the VBC-DECA Hotel Challenge Curriculum Grant provided by the J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott Foundation.
DECA Announces the 2021-2022 Membership Theme: Maximize Your Momentum
Take your DECA membership to the fullest and get ready to Maximize Your Momentum in 2021-2022.
Congratulations to the 2021 Ethical Leadership Chapter Challenge Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the Ethical Leadership Chapter Challenge hosted during the 2021 Virtual International Career Development Conference!
Meet the 2021-2022 DECA Executive Officer Team
Congratulations to the newly-elected 2021-2022 DECA Executive Officer Team! The team is excited to represent DECA members around the globe as they begin work on their goals and objectives for the year ahead.
Take Your Leadership Passport to the Next Level
Congratulations! You survived the first semester of this academic year. Now, it's time to plan for your next semester and the rest of your Collegiate DECA experience this year.
DECA Direct Magazine: Marketing Trends
The world of marketing is diverse and ever-changing. Keep up with the latest industry trends to stay at the top of your game, learn to market your chapter like a pro and get a behind-the-scenes look at careers in this exciting field.
6 Things to Start Doing Now to Land Your Marketing "Dream Job"
Do you have your sights set on a dream job in marketing? Read on for some must-do and next level actions you can take to build your network, skills and brand and start making your dream job a reality.
Marketing Your Chapter in the New Year
Discover tips to market your Collegiate DECA chapter and recruit new members in the second semester.
The Best Marketing Career for Your Personality Type
Marketing careers are not one-size-fits-all, and the variety of career paths in marketing continues to grow each year. Read on to learn more about a few top marketing specialties and which might be best for your unique personality!
The Art of Storytelling
Whether we are competing, fundraising, socializing, serving or leading we are constantly telling a story—our DECA story. So, why not make your story the best it can be?!
Behind the Headlines with a P&G Communications Executive
Procter & Gamble Chief Communications Officer Damon Jones sits down with NRF Foundation All Access for “20 Questions.”
Announcing the 2020 Intuit Innovation Challenge Winners
The Intuit Innovation Challenge is a hands-on design thinking project, daring students around the globe to innovate for impact to help reverse the effect of global warming.
Top 10 Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2021
Looking for the latest trends and buzzwords to incorporate into your next role-play? DECA’s Competitive Events Specialist shares a look at what to expect in the new year.
The Circle of DECA
As high school DECA members from different states, these alumni members never imagined they would come full circle to work for the same company, AT&T, and pass the baton by mentoring current high school DECA members.
Behind the Scenes at the MDA Telethon
MDA is giving DECA members an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the MDA Telethon from a marketing and communications lens and shares how the show was collaboratively created.
Collegiate DECA 2020-2021 Stock Market Game Session 1 Top Competitors
DECA congratulates the following top-ranking teams who participated in the first session of the Collegiate DECA Stock Market Game.